How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
actually, i've taken several of these breaks at my old job. i threatened to go to HR if they didn't allow it and they didn't care what i did from that point on. it was very frustrating because it seemed like any time things got tough or the slightest bit difficult all the smokers had to get up and have a cigarette and leave us non-smokers to pick up the slack
Ya, don't have that problem at my current job, but when I worked at a few other places it was like every hour they would all go out to smoke like a gagl of geese, it was rediculous. Honestly, per week per employee they waisted around an hour. Lots of money in the long-run.


Active Member
Maybe you should move to California. I swear I NEVER see any smokers anymore. Smoking is banned all over the place! I love it!


what's going on with Veni? three posts in a row and still 666. That's why he's so intrested in this post, he wants your lost souls!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Want to talk about equal rights, i have a little experiment for you non-smokers (myself included).
Most jobs allow breaks here and there to go out and smoke, there is usually an unwritten rule that smokers can go outside every hour or two for five minutes and smoke. For you non-smokers, i emplore you to try and go to your boss saying you are just going outside to hang out for 5 mintues as often as the smokers do. I've found that management gives a very negative outlook upon doing so. Kinda crappy, but thats the world we live in.
Always been a pet peeve of mine. I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and would sometimes need to take a break for a snack (when I was working). I couldn't eat where I was b/c I was a bank teller and always had customers in front of me but I wasn't allowed to leave for a snack, yet the smokers were always outside taking smoking breaks. I had to get a note from my Dr and argue w/human resources to be able to take breaks. Ridiculous.


had to delete that last post cause now his post count changed and i didn't want to look like the jack-hole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Maybe you should move to California. I swear I NEVER see any smokers anymore. Smoking is banned all over the place! I love it!
We have smoking bans in Ohio in indoor places, but you STILL have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get in the mall,stores, etc. It's real nice for my allergies and asthma. Smokers want their right to smoke, but what about MY right to not have to breathe in that crap?


I smoke just because I can. When the communist (like you) take over I will move, but as far as I can tell this is still America. I can not stand people who complain about every little petty thing that bothers them
. Get a life, move on and let other people live theres.
There are plenty of smelly people who don't smoke too. I refuse to ride a city bus because nobody has heard of personal hygiene now that is truly disgusting!


Active Member
I sugest you start by keeping a can of lysol and a bottle of fabreez and a few packs of gum on you . When ever a smoke comes up to you hand them the gum and them blast them with lysol and fabreez . Problem solved .
As for walking thru the cloud of smoke ? I sugest you buy some ballons , fill them with water and throw them at the door your wanting to walk in or out of . If there is one thing smokers will do its protect their death sticks from becoming wet .


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
I smoke just because I can. When the communist (like you) take over I will move, but as far as I can tell this is still America. I can not stand people who complain about every little petty thing that bothers them
. Get a life, move on and let other people live theres.
There are plenty of smelly people who don't smoke too. I refuse to ride a city bus because nobody has heard of personal hygiene now that is truly disgusting!
Yep, wanting to be able to breathe in a public place w/o having an asthma attack really makes me a communist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Ya, don't have that problem at my current job, but when I worked at a few other places it was like every hour they would all go out to smoke like a gagl of geese, it was rediculous. Honestly, per week per employee they waisted around an hour. Lots of money in the long-run.
Hmmm, how much time per week is spent here I wonder?? Much less the rest of the web.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
We have smoking bans in Ohio in indoor places, but you STILL have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get in the mall,stores, etc. It's real nice for my allergies and asthma. Smokers want their right to smoke, but what about MY right to not have to breathe in that crap?
You can
"A" Hold your breath.
"B" Write your Congressman and ask him to ban the sale and production of tobacco.
or "C" Tough it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Maybe you should move to California. I swear I NEVER see any smokers anymore. Smoking is banned all over the place! I love it!
I personally wish I could, but for other reasons (though the bans would definitely be a plus).


Active Member
i always cough every time i walk by someone thats smoking. hopefully it makes them feel bad that they just made me fake a cough.

i am sick of people smoking in restaurants and in public period. i just want to walk up to someone near a gas station, grab the cigarette, and throw it in there gas tank, but then i think of the time i would need to run away and i wouldn't have enough time so it wouldn't work out.


Active Member
I know one guy who started smoking at like 22 in the Navy because of the smoker's breaks. As dumb as that was my brother beat it. Around 1990 he did time in jail (goes to the point he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer) and saw smokers got extra privelages so he started, 33 years old at the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
im not a smoker, but dude if you dont want to smell it walk away... a smoker has way less rights than you and perhaps if they did smoke indoors you would be immune to the smell... non-smokers whine cry complain b!#ch n moan more than smokers do... you got your smoking ban now leave em alone...

PS... i am asthmatic and to smell smoke or be around it is pretty much going to end up with me having an attack, or allergic reaction... i just avoid it...

Ru, if you had bad BO, or a booger hanging out of your nose, wouldn't you want someone to tell you? Although smokers are sensitive, I think I'm doing them a favor by telling them these things. Don't worry guys, no need to thank me right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Hmmm, how much time per week is spent here I wonder?? Much less the rest of the web.
Agreed, but smoking breaks was always something that seemed taboo with HR. They always seem to make exceptions for smokers, as if they were diabetics and they had to raise their nicottine to blood ratio. Having a pack of cigarettes was (at my old job) as good as having a doctors note - practically giving you a paid break every hour.
A lot of larger companies could easily block web content if they though that production was a problem. I know we could go into web surfing, walking around, hanging out in the bathroom, talking on cell phones, the list goes on and on of the things that take away from work, but the current topic being smoking. And my problem being it usually wasn't equal treatment, at least with the web your non smoking coworker can also be on the web looking at collegehumor and, but when it comes to smoking its like you have the Golden ticket, and my sorry butt isn't invited to the chocolate factory.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Ru, if you had bad BO, or a booger hanging out of your nose, wouldn't you want someone to tell you? Although smokers are sensitive, I think I'm doing them a favor by telling them these things. Don't worry guys, no need to thank me right now.

He does smell and most times he does have a booger hangin . But thats why we love him . He's a special kinda guy .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
You can
"A" Hold your breath.
"B" Write your Congressman and ask him to ban the sale and production of tobacco.
or "C" Tough it out.
Yeah, I should have to hold my breath b/c of a bunch of inconsiderate jerks.
Not saying all smokers are inconsiderate (they aren't) and I do think alot of them honestly don't know how bad they smell. At least you can get away from the smell, unlike the smoke. And like another poster said, some people have some serious BO problems that aren't related to smoking.