How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


I would be glad to blow smoke at you and watch you attack me. I would not have broke a law, you would be in jail. Get a grip pal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
Perfume contains alcohol moron.
While yes, some perfumes contain alcohol (there's a "pure" perfume movement which is alcohol-free) a large percentage of this evaporates when it hits the air or as it sets on the body/clothing, because of the nature of alcohol. However, that which doesn't evaporate still isn't as harmful as second hand smoke, and there hasn't been drastic research to prove that it is. If there was a study done that proved when wearing alcohol-based perfume that it is harmful to people around the wearer, I'd be against that as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
I would be glad to blow smoke at you and watch you attack me. I would not have broke a law, you would be in jail. Get a grip pal.
You just like to antagonize people, don't you? I'm willing to bet you're a teenager.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
I would be glad to blow smoke at you and watch you attack me. I would not have broke a law, you would be in jail. Get a grip pal.
Wrong moron, he didn't say he was going to get upset because of people blowing smoke in his face. It was his kid, in which case, I'd watch out because I'm sure there's more then just monk that would be upset with that....


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Wrong moron, he didn't say he was going to get upset because of people blowing smoke in his face. It was his kid, in which case, I'd watch out because I'm sure there's more then just monk that would be upset with that....

bang guy

Name calling is not an acceptable practice here. I would suggest finding a mature method of communicating.


Active Member
Wow, this thing has spiraled out of control quickly. Let's all take a deep breath... at least those of us who can without coughing up a lung.


Originally Posted by breiwa1
I would be glad to blow smoke at you and watch you attack me. I would not have broke a law, you would be in jail. Get a grip pal.
so wait, i'm sorry, you have no problem blowing smoke around a child?? because i believe m0nk went into protective parent mode, not against you smoking in his face. if you smoke around children then there's absolutely a bigger problem at addition to your anger management issues...


I guess people who smoke don't really bother me, but it does bother me when I am working(at a gas station, to pay for corals :)) and people throw a fit because a pack of marb's are $5.50! I just say that I am not the one that makes the rules, and they just throw there money at me and walk off!