How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


I have to throw in my two sense.
I'm a smoker. I do not and will not smoke around children. But when I got to a bar and have a few drinks or go out to play the machines I would like to be able to have a cigarette.
I feel that if you are in a bar drinking alcohol ( which also can cause health problems, not to mention drunk driving if you do it) you should know already before you go that people are going to smoke in bars. I will not have some one sitting next to me chugging a beer or rum and coke telling me how bad smoking is for me.
I take my smoke breaks at work just like any body else is allowed to take a break at work. I take a 10 minutes break in the morning and one in the after noon just like the health nut who walk around the parking lot or run up the stairs in the morning and in the afternoon. Every one is entitled to their breaks. Take them and if you dont take them do not blame that on a smoker.
I have a problem with some people that i work with that wear obsessive amounts of perfume, They smell also. Why should they be aloud to wear it to the extreme that some people do. It is an obnoxious smell ( sometimes). They can reak of perfume but I can not reak of smoke?
When I did patient care I did not smoke because of the smell well now I have a desk job you can not smell me on the phone. what is the big deal. If i am smoking by the door and I see some one walking towards the door I move. Just being polite.
But I feel that anybody that eats fried foods, drinks alcohol at all, or engages in any kind of activity that may not be healthy should not preach about smoking. You have a choice, dont go to the bar where people smoke, dont eat at the restuarant where people smoke ( although there is not many that allow smoking any more), dont hang out with smokers. Simple as that. You dont like it LEAVE. QUit


i just don't understand why i have to sacrifice hanging out with my friends who can be around smoke because you have a disgusting habit. so alcohol and fast food and some activities are unhealthy that's MY health - not the health of everyone around me. i get sick and can't breathe because of YOUR cigarette. so i lose my rights because i have a disease that was initially caused by cigarettes that i never smoked??? it's not fair that i have to stay home because you can't walk 20 feet out a door and smoke


Active Member
So everyone else loses their rights because of your problems? Careful, thats a two way street. I think most people will make exceptions and avoid smoking if you can inform them of your issue with smoke without refering to their "Disgusting habbit". My wife has asthma and can't be in a smokey room. Her friends are able to accomidate her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So everyone else loses their rights because of your problems? Careful, thats a two way street. I think most people will make exceptions and avoid smoking if you can inform them of your issue with smoke without refering to their "Disgusting habbit". My wife has asthma and can't be in a smokey room. Her friends are able to accomidate her.
I think that's the "right" that's coming into question; the right to affect other people negatively isn't a fair right, therefore it's not a real "two way street". The smoking bans are put into place fairly enough because of this. Let smokers smoke at home where it only affects them.
On that note, I was really mad when the city I work in (Harrisburg) was so close to putting the same ban in place for all public sites, but it was struck down by the mayor, who's a smoker.


Originally Posted by m0nk
On that note, I was really mad when the city I work in (Harrisburg) was so close to putting the same ban in place for all public sites, but it was struck down by the mayor, who's a smoker.
we had the same problem here in pittsburgh, yet when it came to passing Onorato's 10% drink tax that had no problem passing!
i'm not telling people not to smoke, that's your life decision. i'm telling you to have the decently and courtesy to do it outside. in addition, i don't understand why it's no big deal to go outside and smoke while you're at work but whey you're at bar it's such an inconvenience! if i was to drink and drive i'd be arrested because my poor health decision could have serious repercussions to people in cars around me


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
we had the same problem here in pittsburgh, yet when it came to passing Onorato's 10% drink tax that had no problem passing!
i'm not telling people not to smoke, that's your life decision. i'm telling you to have the decently and courtesy to do it outside. in addition, i don't understand why it's no big deal to go outside and smoke while you're at work but whey you're at bar it's such an inconvenience! if i was to drink and drive i'd be arrested because my poor health decision could have serious repercussions to people in cars around me


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Let smokers smoke at home where it only affects them.

This raises an interesting issue. Even if there is a ban on public smoking, then of course people are free to smoke in their homes. Is there any protection for children who may be forced to live in those homes? If a parent is ignorant and selfish enough to smoke around children then shouldn't the system step in to try to prevent childhood bronchitis, emphysema, cancer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This raises an interesting issue. Even if there is a ban on public smoking, then of course people are free to smoke in their homes. Is there any protection for children who may be forced to live in those homes? If a parent is ignorant and selfish enough to smoke around children then shouldn't the system step in to try to prevent childhood bronchitis, emphysema, cancer?
That is an interesting question. I know some states have bans on smoking in cars when children are in the vehicle; I can't recall if PA is one of those states. I'd hope those same states might have provisions for smoking in the home, or at least would consider such a ban.


Maybe your friends should be a little bit mor understanding of your needs and move to a non smoking bar.
If some sits there an tells me what a DISGUSTING habit I have, am i going to try to make them a bit more comfortable. I dont think so. I will probably smoke more.
But if all the smokers are moved to smoke outside them people will start complaining about the smoke outside that they have to walk through.
It is a never ending battle
How is you disease cause be smoking? Not sure what disease you have.
Did your mother smoke when she was pregnant? I dont understand this part.
If I am around some one that does not smoke I will try not to smoke but if we are in a bar all bets are off. No i wont chain smoke or blow it in their face but face it you are in a BAR. When my inlaws come to visit they dont smoke so I go outside my own house to smoke because I know it bothers them.
Dotn take away my rights beacuse it inconviences some people.
What is next no fast food, no Mountain dew, no alcohol. You start with one thing and it does not stop.
I have a harder time getting life insurance because I smoke but yet my insurance will not cover anything to help me quit ( i have tried on my own repeatedly). But yet some 400 lb lady who eats mchdonalds every day can get life insurance, not to mention the drunk who spends every weekend in that bar.
I think it is a fine line when you completely take away smoking in public. I agree with not smoking in resturants and places like that but seriously a bar where you go to drink alcohol


Active Member
This thread is one of those that has no single and right answer.
I for one do not smoke and try to stay away from smokers as much as I can. I have a very sensitive sense of smell and the smoke irritates me greatly. I hate the smell in my hair and clothes after being in a restaurant that claims to have a non-smoking section and the smoke still gets there. I can't imagine dating or being married to a person who smokes... it's like licking an ash tray <puke>
Anyways, it's a personal choice and who can't deal with it, can avoid it most of the time. Like it's been said here before, it's an addiction and like any addiction, very hard to break. Both of my brothers smoke, I tried it when I was 15 but the smoke getting in my eyes didn't make it very enjoyable.
I don't take my kids to places where smoking can be an issue and do make faces and loud noises when someone is smoking right in front of an entrance to a public building where smoking is banned. Oh well, I'll get off my soap box now :)
Carry on


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
i just don't understand why i have to sacrifice hanging out with my friends who can be around smoke because you have a disgusting habit. so alcohol and fast food and some activities are unhealthy that's MY health - not the health of everyone around me. i get sick and can't breathe because of YOUR cigarette. so i lose my rights because i have a disease that was initially caused by cigarettes that i never smoked??? it's not fair that i have to stay home because you can't walk 20 feet out a door and smoke
First of all PROVE IT and take it up with who ever did you wrong. I highly doubt you could or you would have already. If you can't prove it you will not be able to do anything about it. Suck it up and live with it, because I doubt it caused your supposed problem in the first place.
Secondly smoking is BANNED indoors in any public place in Minnesota where I live. I do go outside to smoke even at my house where my son is.
You and your little friend can get together and pass a law just like the liberals in Minnesota did.
Frankly, I am sick and tired of being pushed around by self righteous do-gooders that pass off fiction as fact. Go ahead and take away rights as long as it benifits you.
You can't prove second hand smoke did anything to you and you and know it.


Originally Posted by breiwa1
First of all PROVE IT and take it up with who ever did you wrong. I highly doubt you could or you would have already. If you can't prove it you will not be able to do anything about it. Suck it up and live with it, because I doubt it caused your supposed problem in the first place.
Secondly smoking is BANNED indoors in any public place in Minnesota where I live. I do go outside to smoke even at my house where my son is.
You and your little friend can get together and pass a law just like the liberals in Minnesota did.
Frankly, I am sick and tired of being pushed around by self righteous do-gooders that pass off fiction as fact. Go ahead and take away rights as long as it benifits you.
You can't prove second hand smoke did anything to you and you and know it.
you have got to be kidding me. you have a SERIOUS attitude problem and you will NOT tell me that secondhand smoke does not induce my asthma attacks. its a matter of courtesy and respect for people. if i'm sick and coughing i cover my mouth and avoid being close to people so they don't get sick as well. if i was coughing right next to you you'd be pretty aggrevated when you were sick the next morning wouldn't you?? i have nothing more to say to you


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
you have got to be kidding me. you have a SERIOUS attitude problem and you will NOT tell me that secondhand smoke does not induce my asthma attacks. its a matter of courtesy and respect for people. if i'm sick and coughing i cover my mouth and avoid being close to people so they don't get sick as well. if i was coughing right next to you you'd be pretty aggrevated when you were sick the next morning wouldn't you?? i have nothing more to say to you
You can't prove it caused your problem. You have nothing more to say because your augument is weak and based on folklore. It apears to me you are all whipped up and want to point your all knowing finger at me and say I have an attitude problem.
oh and I forgot to ask grape or cherry?


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
a disease that was initially caused by cigarettes that i never smoked??? it's not fair that i have to stay home because you can't walk 20 feet out a door and smoke
Just to requote what you claimed. PROVE IT


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I think that's the "right" that's coming into question; the right to affect other people negatively isn't a fair right, therefore it's not a real "two way street". The smoking bans are put into place fairly enough because of this. Let smokers smoke at home where it only affects them.
On that note, I was really mad when the city I work in (Harrisburg) was so close to putting the same ban in place for all public sites, but it was struck down by the mayor, who's a smoker.

As a business owner a person has the absolute right to decide if a legal activity (Smoking) is allowed in their establishment. The smoking bans are BS. If you don't smoke or want to be around it keep your butt out of the places that allow it. Thats what I do. Never smoked and don't want to be around it when I eat. My wife can't be around it. We never had a problem finding non smoking places where there were no bans.


I agree that smoke can cause asthma attacks but unless your mother smoker when she was pregnant I am pretty sure second hand smoke did not cause you to have the DX of asthma.
I try to be a considerate smoker and not smoke around children and if I do go outside to smoke and have no problem with it ( unless of course I am at the bar)
It is just very irritating when people single out smokers for everything that is wrong with them ( not speaking directly at you KerriAnn, just trying to get my point across)
Now I have/ had a friend who is a smoker who smoked the whole time she was pregnant ( with both kids) That I do agree is totally wrong. That child has no choice. And both children have health problems and are constantly sick. Everything from ear aches, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
If I smoke in a bar a person atleast has the choice to move to the other end or leave if they feel the need to but children dont.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I think that's the "right" that's coming into question; the right to affect other people negatively isn't a fair right, therefore it's not a real "two way street". The smoking bans are put into place fairly enough because of this. Let smokers smoke at home where it only affects them.
On that note, I was really mad when the city I work in (Harrisburg) was so close to putting the same ban in place for all public sites, but it was struck down by the mayor, who's a smoker.

As a business owner a person has the absolute right to decide if a legal activity (Smoking) is allowed in their establishment(Talking bars, rest. and clubs here). The smoking bans are BS. If you don't smoke or want to be around it keep your butt out of the places that allow it. Thats what I do. Never smoked and don't want to be around it when I eat. My wife can't be around it. We never had a problem finding non smoking places where there were no bans.


Originally Posted by porkchop48
I agree that smoke can cause asthma attacks but unless your mother smoker when she was pregnant I am pretty sure second hand smoke did not cause you to have the DX of asthma.
I try to be a considerate smoker and not smoke around children and if I do go outside to smoke and have no problem with it ( unless of course I am at the bar)
It is just very irritating when people single out smokers for everything that is wrong with them ( not speaking directly at you KerriAnn, just trying to get my point across)
Now I have/ had a friend who is a smoker who smoked the whole time she was pregnant ( with both kids) That I do agree is totally wrong. That child has no choice. And both children have health problems and are constantly sick. Everything from ear aches, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
If I smoke in a bar a person atleast has the choice to move to the other end or leave if they feel the need to but children dont.
my mother did smoke while she was pregnant with me. i have asthma, chronic bronchitis and obviously allergies and all that garbage. and as for this argument, i'm done. i'll continue to give up my rights because i was forced into a situation where i have to be in a smoke free environment. all i'm asking is for the courtesy to go outside and smoke. i don't understand why that's such an awful request.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
my mother did smoke while she was pregnant with me. i have asthma, chronic bronchitis and obviously allergies and all that garbage. and as for this argument, i'm done. i'll continue to give up my rights because i was forced into a situation where i have to be in a smoke free environment. all i'm asking is for the courtesy to go outside and smoke. i don't understand why that's such an awful request.
I've never heard of a coralation between a woman smoking during pregnency and a child having asthma. If that were the case I suspect that there would have been far more cases of it in the past when nobody thought twice about smoking or drinking while pregnent.
According to the doc my wifes asthma was a result of her allergies. Hit her when she was like 32.


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
my mother did smoke while she was pregnant with me. i have asthma, chronic bronchitis and obviously allergies and all that garbage. and as for this argument, i'm done. i'll continue to give up my rights because i was forced into a situation where i have to be in a smoke free environment. all i'm asking is for the courtesy to go outside and smoke. i don't understand why that's such an awful request.
Can't you read? I have said more than once I (am forced to) go outside. Smoking is banned in Mn indoors in public places. I pine for the day I can do it again. Although there are several bars running whats called a theater night where people have been sucessfully smoking indoors again.

Move here if you believe you rights have been trampled on. It is your mothers fault she smoked, your problem not mine , not to mention most likely not the cause of your illness. I do not think everyone should have to bend over backwards to accomidate you.
I can't wait until someone gets frostbite smoking outside and wants to sue the bar. Good grief