How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
Can't you read? I have said more than once I (am forced to) go outside. Smoking is banned in Mn indoors in public places. I pine for the day I can do it again. Although there are several bars running whats called a theater night where people have been sucessfully smoking indoors again.

Move here if you believe you rights have been trampled on. It is your mothers fault she smoked, your problem not mine , not to mention most likely not the cause of your illness. I do not think everyone should have to bend over backwards to accomidate you.
I can't wait until someone gets frostbite smoking outside and wants to sue the bar. Good grief
I have to tell you that, while most of the posts here have been written in good fun, you do seem to have a pretty bad attitude. You should just have a smoke and chill.
I don't know why you smokers should get to pollute the air outside my building when I walk through the door. I'm not the stinky smoker, why should I have to walk through your man-made cancer cloud.

I think that you all should be rounded up and dropped off in some deserted, smoking haven. You want Detroit?


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
Can't you read? I have said more than once I (am forced to) go outside. Smoking is banned in Mn indoors in public places. I pine for the day I can do it again. Although there are several bars running whats called a theater night where people have been sucessfully smoking indoors again.

Move here if you believe you rights have been trampled on. It is your mothers fault she smoked, your problem not mine , not to mention most likely not the cause of your illness. I do not think everyone should have to bend over backwards to accomidate you.
I can't wait until someone gets frostbite smoking outside and wants to sue the bar. Good grief
Do you brake for funeral processions???
Only cuz the cops are there right?


Active Member
The only conclusion I've drawn from this thread so far is that smoking should be outlawed altogether and treated like drugs, but in this case the second hand smoke is in deed more dangerous to others than someone's drug habit.
As for the argument that there is no proof that second hand smoke is harmful (which is the most absurd thing I've seen argued here):
The following are just citing studies, but the above link details the scientific data:


You can argue a lot of things are dangerous, but you can not prove it (second hand smoke) is the sole cause. Get real. Look at all the chemicals we live around everyday. It is just as likely that at some point, someone who has never smoked unknowingly getting exposed to any number chemicals that are also know to cause cancer. If you could prove it someone would have already, you can bet plenty of people are trying.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Just curious, if you stopped because it was a curiosity thing or just cause you had to. The latter right?
I do it out of respect for the dead. Now pull up your pants turn your hat around and get a job smart guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
You can argue a lot of things are dangerous, but you can not prove it (second hand smoke) is the sole cause. Get real. Look at all the chemicals we live around everyday. It is just as likely that at some point, someone who has never smoked unknowingly getting exposed to any number chemicals that are also know to cause cancer. If you could prove it someone would have already, you can bet plenty of people are trying.
So are you saying second hand smoke is healthy?


Originally Posted by breiwa1
You can argue a lot of things are dangerous, but you can not prove it (second hand smoke) is the sole cause. Get real. Look at all the chemicals we live around everyday. It is just as likely that at some point, someone who has never smoked unknowingly getting exposed to any number chemicals that are also know to cause cancer. If you could prove it someone would have already, you can bet plenty of people are trying.
it may not be the only cause but it is an added factor. you're getting to be really mean and you need to settle down. this is just people discussing their points and if you can't do it in a calm and rational manner then i think you should keep your opinions to yourself

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
i just don't understand why i have to sacrifice hanging out with my friends who can be around smoke because you have a disgusting habit. so alcohol and fast food and some activities are unhealthy that's MY health - not the health of everyone around me. i get sick and can't breathe because of YOUR cigarette. so i lose my rights because i have a disease that was initially caused by cigarettes that i never smoked??? it's not fair that i have to stay home because you can't walk 20 feet out a door and smoke
Nice try, you and I had this discussion a few months ago. You live in PA. I gave you entire list of places and bars that were smoke free. You have options, just as smokers do, you just want to limit our options further. You thinks your rights are greater than ours. That is all this comes down to is who has more rights.


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
it may not be the only cause but it is an added factor. you're getting to be really mean and you need to settle down. this is just people discussing their points and if you can't do it in a calm and rational manner then i think you should keep your opinions to yourself
I think you should too, but that is not how it works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Nice try, you and I had this discussion a few months ago. You live in PA. I gave you entire list of places and bars that were smoke free. You have options, just as smokers do, you just want to limit our options further. You thinks your rights are greater than ours. That is all this comes down to is who has more rights.
So you have the right to give me cancer?


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Nice try, you and I had this discussion a few months ago. You live in PA. I gave you entire list of places and bars that were smoke free. You have options, just as smokers do, you just want to limit our options further. You thinks your rights are greater than ours. That is all this comes down to is who has more rights.

Ahhhhh yes!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Nice try, you and I had this discussion a few months ago. You live in PA. I gave you entire list of places and bars that were smoke free. You have options, just as smokers do, you just want to limit our options further. You thinks your rights are greater than ours. That is all this comes down to is who has more rights.
No Darth, NO NO NO!!!!
Don't tell me your one of them.
Why shouldn't nonsmokers have more rights??? We do not make the choice to expose society to something dangerous. Should the drunk driver have the same rights as the sober pedestrian? Should the stoned airplane pilot have the same rights as his passengers?


Maybe if you are so worried about your health you shoudn't spend so much time in the bars, maybe we should put some restrictions on that. Oh wait I guess I would be taking away your rights than.


Active Member
You do realize at one time people didn't think radio active products caused cancer either, right? Although you are right the 'pannel is still out' come one, if your only arguement for second-hand smoke "may" cause cancer, that is rediculous. Some studies show that in certain cases second hand smoke is worse than first hand smoke, because the smokers smoke gets filtered to a degree through the cigartette, but the smoke filled air doesn't have any filtration.
I just wanted to make the point that if you don't think second-hand smoke causes cancer then you need a reality check. And my only arguement for the "who has more rights" comment was its not about rights, its about the health of our society. Yes i know its a fine line but come on, are you going to complain because they are making you wash your hands as an employee at a restaurant? Or are we infringing on your rights there too? I mean not washing your hands MAY spread diseases, but it MAY not... right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
Maybe if you are so worried about your health you shoudn't spend so much time in the bars, maybe we should put some restrictions on that. Oh wait I guess I would be taking away your rights than.
Yes my alcohol consumption is where i draw the line :)