How can anybody smoke cigarettes anymore???


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
I do it out of respect for the dead. Now pull up your pants turn your hat around and get a job smart guy.
I appreciate the insight, but with my job, building equipment for the gov't, got some free time
BTW, how'd you know my pants were down???


Originally Posted by crimzy
No Darth, NO NO NO!!!!
Don't tell me your one of them.
Why shouldn't nonsmokers have more rights??? We do not make the choice to expose society to something dangerous. Should the drunk driver have the same rights as the sober pedestrian? Should the stoned airplane pilot have the same rights as his passengers?
Now you are really going out on a limb. This is the type of thought process I figured you were using in the first place. Face it. You came out here calling smokers a bunch of names (and nobody called you a troll) and now you are basically saying you deserve more rights? You are insane. Did you not expect people would be offended by your stupid derogatory statements? Good luck.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I appreciate the insight, but with my job, building equipment for the gov't, got some free time
BTW, how'd you know my pants were down???
That's because you are a student according to your own profile. I was guessing on the pants. BTW you are wasting tax payers money, you are part of the problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
That's because you are a student according to your own profile. I was guessing on the pants. BTW you are wasting tax payers money, you are part of the problem.
Lets keep this clean or else they will close the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
That's because you are a student according to your own profile. I was guessing on the pants. BTW you are wasting tax payers money, you are part of the problem.
'Waste' is in the eye of the beholder. Need a raise, when are we raising cig taxes again?


Active Member
Take a step back there cowboy, its okay. Your right as a whole the whole thread was about calling smokers stinky. But to go and actually personally attack someone is going too far.
Someone else has already had to say something about 'keeping it clean.'


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
'Waste' is in the eye of the beholder. Need a raise, when are we raising cig taxes again?

wasting tax payers money is not the coolest thing in the world, although I doubt you even work at all.


Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Take a step back there cowboy, its okay. Your right as a whole the whole thread was about calling smokers stinky. But to go and actually personally attack someone is going too far.
Someone else has already had to say something about 'keeping it clean.'
I am not a cowboy. Yes to me, not the other people. Partner


Active Member
Originally Posted by breiwa1
... although I doubt you even work at all.
I guess, so be it. I'm able to afford school and this hobby somehow, huh?
Though don't most people work 9-5? You seem to be pretty free to post. Do you work or just blow smoke in people's face in MI or whereever?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
No Darth, NO NO NO!!!!
Don't tell me your one of them.
Why shouldn't nonsmokers have more rights??? We do not make the choice to expose society to something dangerous. Should the drunk driver have the same rights as the sober pedestrian? Should the stoned airplane pilot have the same rights as his passengers?
Crimzy, calm down, I am NOT saying the same rights. There completely non smoking bars and restaurants. There are no smoking only bars and restaurants nor would I wash for any. My point is this. This issue has become very over blown. Do you realize a citizen in parts of california CAN NOT even smoke outside. It is a 1000 dollar fine. it is outside.
I am not saying people should not be able to enjoy themselves in an atmosphere of their choosing. That is the key word choice. I am for choices. people can choice to eat or drink elsewhere from smoke allowed places. and vice versa. This conversation always continues down the road of who has greater rights.
I despise this discussion more so than any other with the exception of abortion. I find it amazing that some of those that complain about the rights of themselves would ban smoking outside or in a facility where it is allowed yet turn around and ignore the natural human rights of unborn children. Atleast the non smoking individual has a choice.
I smoke, I know the health risks, I smoke outside and not around my children. I go to restaurants that are non smoking and don't complain. I CHOSE TO SMOKE so live with my decision to go where smoking is not allowed. Some chose to not smoke and are better for it, but they still CHOSE to be around smokers and complain about it....I have no sympathy for people like that. what is so hard about going to a smoke free bar, I do it a lot...when I want my cigarette I go outside, walk the required 25 from the door of the establishment and don't whine about it. Maybe I should start going to bars and complaining how bad the bar sucks because I can't smoke and that they are infringing on my LEGAL right to smoke....oh wait...they own the establishment and have the CHOICE to allow certain actions.
That is my whole point, EVERYONE HAS CHOICES.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I just wanted to make the point that if you don't think second-hand smoke causes cancer then you need a reality check. And my only arguement for the "who has more rights" comment was its not about rights, its about the health of our society. Yes i know its a fine line but come on, are you going to complain because they are making you wash your hands as an employee at a restaurant? Or are we infringing on your rights there too? I mean not washing your hands MAY spread diseases, but it MAY not... right?
They made the CHOICE to work in a restaraunt, they could have been a mechanic and not had to wash their hands. like I said Non smokers have choices as well...thing is you want all the choices and to completely take away any choice from smokers.


Active Member
Not all smokers get lung cancer and not all people who get lung cancer have even been exposed to cigarette smoke.
If they know exactly what causes cancer they could cure it.
Cigarette smoke is a known trigger. Now if you want to talk about gum disease, emphasima, yellow teeth etc. you have a point.
Colorado passed a smoking ban. They did leave open a loophole so if the business sells X amount of tobacco products they can allow smoking. A casino here meets that qualification, one casino in the whole state, one casino in a city with 30 allows smoking and the anti smoking nazi's are having a fit and filing lawsuits.


Active Member
Folks, let's cut out the personal attacks.
The debate in and of itself is an interesting one (if for no other reason than the fact that I am to a large degree in agreement with Crimzy and disagreement with Darth...)
IMO, here is what needs to be addressed; does second hand smoke adversely affect the health of those around it?
An individual's rights end when they infringe on the well being of another citizen (In an aside, it would be very interesting to see how many people against smoking are "pro choice" however). IF second hand smoke can be proven to be unhealthy then of course it needs to be banned from public places. That said, while I believe common sense tells us second hand smoke is bad, I'm just not sure science has proven that yet.
My personal pet peeve is all of the freaking cigarettes that wash up on the coastline. Is my car the only one that came with an ash tray?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
My personal pet peeve is all of the freaking cigarettes that wash up on the coastline. Is my car the only one that came with an ash tray?
That is definitely true. Think of all the trash that ends up in the environment from smoking alone. I'm constantly noticing cigarette butts and empty packs along the side of the road, in front of buildings, etc.
Another interesting point is that it seems that this debate is the smokers vs the non-smokers. Well, I was a smoker for 10 years and quit 6 years ago. I haven't thought twice about my decision to quit, and in fact, I'm much more aware of the dangers and fallacies inherant with the smoking lifestyle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The debate in and of itself is an interesting one (if for no other reason than the fact that I am to a large degree in agreement with Crimzy and disagreement with Darth...)
I knew you had to have at least one redeeming quality. Wait, was that a compliment or a personal attack?

If you agree with me then maybe I should rethink things. Darth, can I bum one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I knew you had to have at least one redeeming quality. Wait, was that a compliment or a personal attack?

If you agree with me then maybe I should rethink things. Darth, can I bum one?

lol, I even through in an environmental angle to strengthen your position...