How did everyone get their nick names?


New Member
jason me
christy wife
kira daughter 5years
karter daughter 3years
chase daughter 2years
plus one on the i don't know yet
:) :)


Well, Jarre is the name of a French Musician that I believe is extremely ahead of his time. I just fell in love with his work and have used the name on computer nets every since. Been about 15 years now.


Active Member
My name is Dan Burr. 15 years ago I started working in a machine shop and I started in the polishing room, deburring parts.
It just stuck.


My favorite NHL Player is Mario Lemieux (66) and since I couldn't
skate when I got on a hockey team they put me in net. (goalie)
I can skate now & have come to really enjoy playing goalie.


My husband named me itchy....he said I can't wait for anything, I am always moving and itching to do something or go somewhere. AND NO I AM NOT ADHD, just cant stand something not finished and can not stand to sit around. Needless to say Saltwater was hard for me as we all know it is a slow process and when I want something I have to get it and finish it then. My husband says I would turn my house around on the foundation if I could. :D


Active Member
kinda corney, but:
When I proposed to my wife I told her to "jump" and I'd catch her. Since we've been together we collect frogs to remind us.
So jumpfrog!
Told you it was corney:rolleyes:


My real name is Robert, and one day my uncle just called my Flobskey. It has stuck ever since.
Not to exciting, I know:p


New Member
Switch the first n & the f and you get what my friends think when I get into something that I realy love. Started about 7 years ago. It gets yelled out most of the time now when we play Paintball!!!!!!!:D


Active Member
Not a cool as others, but you asked so here goes:
Clarkii= Clarkii Clown, Favorite fish
Boi= my son (just boy spelled MY way,)
My son comes first of course, but BoiClarkii sounded all wrong to me at least. ;)


New Member
I love Hawks. They are beautiful, regal, powerful, calm and predatory. My daughter and I point them out to each other as we drive down the road. When I get to make a living at what I "want" to do (photography), my first subject will be hawks, indepth.