How do I care for these?


Ok, my tank is doing fairly well and everything is healthy. I was thinking about adding some corals and other things. I really love how zoanthids look and act so I was really hoping to get some. First I need to know how do I care for them? Do they eat, if so what? Where do I put them in the tank? What kind of flow and lighting do I need? and, Can I have other corals and mushrooms etc. with them?

shrimpy brains

Zoanthids are good beginner corals! They don't require strong light or feedings. I have them in all kinds of flow, with no problems. Yes, you can keep any other corals with them, just don't place them too close to stinging corals.


I have 10K lights, one white and one blue. Would that be good enough lighting for them and others? Also, I was told to wear gloves when handleing them. Would regular latex gloves be ok?

bang guy

10 SWF KudoBucks to you for asking how to care for them before adding them to your system.
Latex gloves are fine. Treat any water they have been stressed in (like the bag from the store) as toxic water.


Lol, thank you. Well seeing as I supposedly have everything needed, and I have spent HOURS researching care and what not, does anyone recomend a certain species/color?

scopus tang

Active Member
choose a color, growth pattern, or polyp size that appeal to you personally. There are hundreds, if not thousands that are out there, ranging from a few cents per polyp to over a hundred dollars per polyp. Personally I recommend staying away from the button polyps and most protopalys unless you have a large system. Beyond that, I would propobably find some nice colorful ones that are easily aquired locally.


Ok, so I saw this super beautiful looking zoa at the store I go to. It was a metallic pink and a nice size too. I was going to buy it but, my overprotective mom heard the guy mention the fact that they are toxic. X /, she said 'no' sooooo, I am zoaless for the next few years while I live with her. I figured I would maybe try something else. Does anyone have an idea on a coral that is easy to care for but, not 'dangerous'?


Just a suggestion but I personally love the Hammer Coral. It has a lime greenish base and pink tops. It is fairly easy to care for and I would recommend it. Just moderate flow and moderate light will be just fine. The do eat micro plankton and marine snow but you can get that at any LFS and it lasts for a while.


Active Member
check out my thread in the reef tank section. that will get you drooolin for zoas!
they are a beuatiful corals. good start!
seems like the beginings of a zoa collector here!