How do I feed fish frozen brine?


I bought some frozen brine to for my Clownfish that I think is dying. I was wondering how I put it in there. It is un cube form, I do not just drop the cube in there right? Do I need to thaw it out or what?


get a clean shot glass and put some of your tank water in it. thaw the brine in that. a very tiny piece of frozen brine is enough. you'll see. then add to tank.
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Just get a glass/cup out of your kitchen and dissolve it in water. Then when it is thawed, dump it (the amount you need) into the fish tank.

kris walker

Active Member
You get a shovel, pry open its mouth, and shovel the whole cube in. Ooops, sorry, flashback to my childhood eating days. :)


I use a one sided razor and cut slivers off the cube. Then I put it in a glass and set it on the tank so it will thaw. (Did you know that if you thaw frozen brine in water you lose the vitamins?) After it is thawed, I put some of the tank water in it and mix it up well. Then I just dump it in the tank. ;)


Active Member
I would not thaw the food in water...just put it in a bag in ur fridge overnight and then feed it the next day.

sinner's girl

I simply use a knife, scrap some off the cube then put the knife in the tank and move it around. (so both fish can get some.)
I've never thrawed it before hand. fish eat it right up. how much will depend on your fish, and how offen to you feed them.


New Member
I thought he BlackDog was just making fun of "the block" reference by Mr. Tang...anyway, I had always thawed it (since I am assuming fish do not generally eat frozen fish in the sea) but I have seen people just plop them in and let the warm water and current fo the work. Both ways resulted well.


All of the lfs that I have been to sell the frozen shrimp.
Fish will eat the food no matter how you put it in there if they're hungry but thawing it in water KILLS the vitamins. Let it thaw at room temp for 15 minutes all your fishies will get all their vitamins.... :)


No, I wasn't making a knock-knock joke or anything -- I really don't know :) I assume it's not something they sell at the supermarket. I haven't checked at ***** to see whether they have it there. Believe it or not, of the four LFSs I've been to in my area, ***** is the one I dislike the least, so I'm not eager to patronize anyone I don't have to.
I think I've read that some people thaw their shrimp by zoaking in a product called Zoe.
I'm still a month away from adding fish, so I'm not too informed on the different feeding options.


***** will have frozen brine shrimp. I also thaw the brine shrimp in a cup with water from the tank then use a turkey baster to feed everyone. :)


New Member
I do not understand how soaking it in water will kill the vitamins. It is not being steamed or boiled---a process that will destroy the essential nutrients.


The reason I would not use normal water, but use tank water is that with normal water, esp. from the tap, you could be adding some stuff in your tank you don't want like heavy metals, silicates, etc.....
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I just break a small piece off and run it just for a second under warm water and shake it slightly in the tank. Only let a little come off and make sure they eat it all and then I do it again. This way you dont have any uneaten brine shimp in the tank and they get all the vitamins. This works well for me, hope it helps you.
75# Lr, 6 damsels, 1 cin. clown,1 sail fin tang, 3 perculas, 3 enenomones, 3 snails, 5 small crabs, manderine gobbie, scooter blennie.
i just cut a slice off and throw it in too, it dissolves pretty quickly in the tank. i let the fishies do the work and they have no complaints so far. :D