how do i get rid of this? (pic include)


Active Member
Nasty bubble algae. I bought some bullseye mushrooms that I didn't notice had bubble algae until a put it in the tank. I took it back out and genty pulled the algae off being very careful not to burst any of the bubbles. I didn't have as many as you so you may have a harder time. Good luck.


Active Member
The best way is to take the rock out of the tank and take them off by hand, being very careful not to pop any.


yeah. sorry me the whole entire tank mostly cover with that. I thought that would be cool before untill lately it took so much space of my LR.


heard that emerald crab will do it and just bought two today wonder if that would help a little bit


Originally Posted by alyssia
Yes, emerald crabs are supposed to eat bubble algae.

but wouldn't they pop them with their pinchers?


Active Member
Originally Posted by deepsixer
but wouldn't they pop them with their pinchers?

IDK, good question.


New Member
I have heard that emeralds pop the bubble algea...and even though they eat it...they never destroy it completly......ive heard that they dont really help much


Active Member
Mithrax crabs helped my bubble algea tremendously. I now have none. If they do pop it, they consume it because mine has not came back. Yes; Mithrax = Emerald


Active Member
Best way to get rid them is manually remove them and its only good if you don't have much coral in the tank then you can easily remove them.


Active Member
Emerald crabs are a give or take. The funny scoop shape on their claws enables them to eat the bubble algae without popping it somehow... I don't really ask, but the normally do. If you have any macro algae in your tank though they'll neatly mow that down first though.
I'd remove what you can by hand though.


What size is your tank and how much bubble algae do you have? I have a 75 and just bought 3 emerald crabs about thumb nail size. I asked the LFS who I pretty much trust with my tank told me that they slowly open the algae and eat the inside and that is what slowly kills the hole algae. True that it is a hit and miss due to some dont even touch the stuff so why no get a few more. They are only like $5 a peice. Ill give them about a week and if I dont see a decrease in the algae I'll go buy 3 more from his next batch.


Active Member
I had quite a bit of bubble algae until the emerald came in and ate it all up.
I have not seem him for a couple months. The other night(while searching for the $#$% mantis) I saw him on rock and noticied that he has grown quite a bit. Must be all the bubble algae he is eating.


I had some emerald crabs that where one of the misses because they didnt touch the stuff. What did work and will also eat others kinds of algea is a Foxface.