How do I hook up a timmer on my flourescent lights?

Ummmmmm You have to explain more then that for ppl to help.What kinda timer even better do you have a pic of it or a link were a pic of it is. Otherwise then that i can't help until i know what i'm looking at .


Active Member
I agree with Seraphan........
Need a little bit more info as to what is not working. The most common timers are the ones that you plug into an outlet and plug the lights into the timer. You would then move the little prongs around the circle to your liking for how many hours you want your lights on.
Let us know what is not working. :)


test the timer. plug the timer into the wall, plug something into it, turn on, spin the clock on the timer, whaterver you plugged into it should come on and go off it the timer is good, if not, the timer is probably bad


The timmer is the one from HD that has the prongs that you set what time to come on, and when to go off. I started with the lights on, and when it was time it turned them off, but when it was time to turn them on, It did not. These are normal output flourscent bulbs. Do they have to have some type of starter?
Make sure the prones are set right if there not seated properly it won't work.Also i would always do it with the lights off then you will get a complete cycle started.

bang guy

I really don't know. Ive seen a few magnetic ballasts that will start with a timer but not the cheap ones.