im getting frustrated. already used up a whole 16oz of kent pro dkh. and still the dkh wont go past 8. do u think the use of carbon or rowa has anything to do with it?
To raise your alk a lot of people use baking soda. Google "CHEMISTRY AND THE AQUARIUM by RANDY HOLMES-FARLEY" there's an article that everyone should read.
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
im getting frustrated. already used up a whole 16oz of kent pro dkh. and still the dkh wont go past 8. do u think the use of carbon or rowa has anything to do with it?
You used up 16 oz in how-big-of-a-tank? Over how much time did you use it, and how much change in Alk did you get?
What test kit are you using? I was having a similar issue with alk and I swiched from a cheap red sea test kit that was consistently giving me a reading of 2.0-2.5meg/l and I was dosing like crazy to try and increase it. I switched to a Salifert test about a month ago and it tested at 3.66meg/l or 10.2dhk. If you are using a cheap kit you might want to invest in a better test kit.
Originally Posted by Weberian
You used up 16 oz in how-big-of-a-tank? Over how much time did you use it, and how much change in Alk did you get?
i used a 16oz on a 125 with a 25 gal sump wihtin a 1 1/2 week span. it oinly raised the alk up to 8.
Originally Posted by Jmick
What test kit are you using? I was having a similar issue with alk and I swiched from a cheap red sea test kit that was consistently giving me a reading of 2.0-2.5meg/l and I was dosing like crazy to try and increase it. I switched to a Salifert test about a month ago and it tested at 3.66meg/l or 10.2dhk. If you are using a cheap kit you might want to invest in a better test kit.
API test
Is your Calcium fluctuating at all? What are you using to maintain Calcium? How much, how often?
You stated earlier that you got ALK up to 8. 8 what - dKH or Meq/L? Where was ALK before you dosed?
When was your last large water change?
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Is your Calcium fluctuating at all? What are you using to maintain Calcium? How much, how often?
You stated earlier that you got ALK up to 8. 8 what - dKH or Meq/L? Where was ALK before you dosed?
When was your last large water change?
I meant in DKH.
yea my calcium does fluctuate alot when dosing alk buffer. so i added liquid calcium concentrate from kent. it jumped from 440 down to 320. then added some calcium so it brought it back to 420. then my alk dropped from like 9 to 8.
before i dosed the dkh was 6.
Last major water change was about 4 -5 weeks ago. i got pretty lazy with state testing and all.
This is not a link so the dip chits on here can't say anything but you can use the calculators off here to move Alk, Ca, Mg....etc. 3reef.***/aquarium-page-Calculators. Just make sure you add your sump and fuge to your total water volume. A lot more helpful then this sight is.
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
I meant in DKH.
yea my calcium does fluctuate alot when dosing alk buffer.
This is a symptom of low magnesium.
Usually a large water change will fix magnesium (50 - 75% change). That's usually more effective than chasing number after parameters have been out of whack for awhile.
Epsom Salt will raise Magnesium, you don't need to do a water change to get that element up. That is unles you want to go spend some $$$ on something at the LFS that you can get a Wal-Mart. lol
A dkh of 8 is fine for a reef tank. Just keep doing your maintainance water changes and if it stays at 8 don't bust your pocketbook trying to raise it.
I know people don't like it, but I've been using Seachem Reef Builder to maintain great water for over a year, without any problems. At $14 per bottle, and it lasts like 6 months, I think it's a great deal!