How Do You Raise Ph Safely??


did my tests a little early at around 3:30 all done with SALIFERT TESTING KITS besides the salinity(refractometer) and PH(digital ph meter)
ALKALINITY-.17 or 13.25 dkH or 4.855 meq/L(high i know)
CALCIUM-.31 OR 345ppm(low i know)
AMMONIA- less than >0.25
now as for the rest of my testing supplies they are all SALIFERTand they are all on the way(be here in a couple of days)
along with "KENT"
liqiud calcium
tech I -iodine supplement
tech M- magnesium supplement


earlybird: I am only running my tank lights about an hour a day (per my fish guy, who says if i run the lights a lot right now I will get long haired algae bloom). Could that be why my pH is at 7.8? My Alkalinity is high, tho...


Originally Posted by MrineLfRlz
a couple of days ago
i now thats low cal. but with the high alk. and my ph as low as it is can this be right
like i said i thought alk. and ph were closely related?
i would like to find out how to raise ph safely also
without buffers(my alk. is high enough as it is)
Out of wack alk. and PH can be caused by high CO2. Alk and PH will up and down together IF CO2 is not to high.


Originally Posted by Snaredrum
Out of wack alk. and PH can be caused by high CO2. Alk and PH will up and down together IF CO2 is not to high.

I have a Hex tank - how can I bring CO2 down?


Originally Posted by sooz
I have a Hex tank - how can I bring CO2 down?
PM'd you with ideas. You may be able to find something on your own too with some of the baseline ideas I gave you.


Originally Posted by SJimmyH
PM'd you with ideas. You may be able to find something on your own too with some of the baseline ideas I gave you.
No PM in my in box


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
I have a Hex tank - how can I bring CO2 down?

Still new so not sure, but what about ph low in tank blowing up to help bring the bottom tank water closer to the top for exchange?


Originally Posted by mcbdz
Still new so not sure, but what about ph low in tank blowing up to help bring the bottom tank water closer to the top for exchange?

That seems logical to me - I am planning to get a second PH - if I put it at bottom, angled up so it does not stir up the bed, it seems
llike that would help with O2 xchange.

bang guy

Originally Posted by sooz
That seems logical to me - I am planning to get a second PH - if I put it at bottom, angled up so it does not stir up the bed, it seems llike that would help with O2 xchange.
O2 exchange and CO2 exchange are seperate. CO2 dissolves and escapes in saltwater slowly, O2 is fairly quick.
That said, Low PH is just a symptom that there's a problem with the tank. Inadequate waterflow is a primary reason so the extra powerhead is an excellent idea.
Make sure there's no detritus trapped in the corners or any excess food trapped and rotting anywhere. The metabolic acid release when organics break down is another common cause of low PH.
If ALK isn't low don't add a buffer to raise PH, that is always a bad idea.


Active Member
my pH stays at 7.8-8.0 no matter how many water changes (I did two this week out of boredom 15g then 10g 3 days later on a 100g), how much surface agitation (there isn't a ripple free spot. 6 powerheads spaced evenly across no smaller than 270gph up to 600gph), no matter how much buffering (daily bicarbonate/carbonate buffering to maintain a dKH of 7-8), no matter how much detritus removal (I siphoned out half a 5g bucket worth of sand this past week. what 1/4" of sand left has never been cleaner not to mention good water flow across it), no matter how well I keep calcium in check (every other day dosing of calcium chloride to maintain ca between 380 until it reaches 440 and I stop til it falls to under 400. I use reef complete which also contains mag in proper proportions to ca), despite the fact I have macro and fuge lights running opposite schedule, no matter I have an open back canopy with four fans. Matter of fact two tanks, three years and my pH has never averaged more than about 7.9. Ever since I've converted from fish only to reef I have never been able to maintain a dKH of higher 8 or 9. when I had fish only it was always too high and I had trouble bringing it down.
To sum it up a low pH and low alk is just normal for me. even if I get lazy and skip dosing pH and alk still dont change, I just dose profilactly since my tank always runs on the low side of alk. why should I care? everything lives and grows fine. I cant fix it anyway short of getting equipment I dont want yet.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Stanlalee
To sum it up a low pH and low alk is just normal for me. even if I get lazy and skip dosing pH and alk still dont change, I just dose profilactly since my tank always runs on the low side of alk. why should I care? everything lives and grows fine. I cant fix it anyway short of getting equipment I dont want yet.
If it works then there's nothing wrong with that. 7.8 is a little low but it's not a disaster.
Have you ever tried opening a bunch of windows in the room for a few hours and then testing PH?
Also, PH will change throughout the day. Typically lower first thing in the morning then higher through the day as algae consumes CO2. Take reading throughout the day and look at the average PH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
If it works then there's nothing wrong with that. 7.8 is a little low but it's not a disaster.
Have you ever tried opening a bunch of windows in the room for a few hours and then testing PH?
Also, PH will change throughout the day. Typically lower first thing in the morning then higher through the day as algae consumes CO2. Take reading throughout the day and look at the average PH.
Unfortunately my tank is in the dining room and there are no windows, just front and back doors so thats not possible. besides that I have a house that unless its exactly 65-67deg outside it is uncomfortable without either heat or ac. I guess I can take some relief (not that I was worried) that my pH readings are almost always in the morning. I dont mess with my tank any other time. perhaps I'll try to get a morning and evening reading today (already got the usual 7.8 about 8:30am this morning).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
Unfortunately my tank is in the dining room and there are no windows, just front and back doors so thats not possible. besides that I have a house that unless its exactly 65-67deg outside it is uncomfortable without either heat or ac. I guess I can take some relief (not that I was worried) that my pH readings are almost always in the morning. I dont mess with my tank any other time. perhaps I'll try to get a morning and evening reading today (already got the usual 7.8 about 8:30am this morning).
my ph is 7.8 in the morning to u want to check ph about 4 or so hrs after lights come on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Has anyone ever tested the Ph of lfs ro water? My lfs tested at 7.8.

is that just water or salt water? If its just RO water then they are probably buffering it to get it at 7.8. I dont know if its good or bad to buffer before mixing with salt

reefreak I'll try that today and see what I get