How do you tell a true perc?


I was wondering how do you tell the difference from a true perc and a false perc clown. I was sold a true pair(I believe it is) One didnt make it in QT so I was going to get another one went to a different LFS and what they said was a true didnt look the same to me.
I know they have black stripes around the white but anything else?
My little guy has 2 black fins something I havent seen at the different LFS that say they have true precs.
Also can a true and false pair up together or do I need to get another true?
Sorry for all the questions.

bang guy

Percula have 9 dorsal spines, Ocellaris have 10 or 11 Dorsal Spines. Percula typically have bright orange eyes, ocellaris usually have darker eyes, more of a burnt orange.
These two species often pair up but it's not a sure thing.
Fin colors are not an indicator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjqsmom
I was wondering how do you tell the difference from a true perc and a false perc clown. I was sold a true pair(I believe it is) One didnt make it in QT so I was going to get another one went to a different LFS and what they said was a true didnt look the same to me.
I know they have black stripes around the white but anything else?
My little guy has 2 black fins something I havent seen at the different LFS that say they have true precs.
Also can a true and false pair up together or do I need to get another true? yes but with caution
Sorry for all the questions.
The biggest difference in the majority of True Percs to Ocellaris is the notable expanded black bands that the perculas have often the variances in these black bands make one fish more desirable than another, hence the onyx perc. However this is not an 100% indication of one species to another. In some cases the thicker black bands may not be as pronounced as they are normally seen, or likewise the ocellaris may have a more distinguished black boarder than then normally seen. The only way that I have read to truly tell them apart is to count the dorsal spines. 9 or less is an ocellaris, 10 or more, percula. I have heard that the outline color of their eyes is also a way , lighter orange = percula burnt or tea colored = ocellaris. HTH


Active Member
Uh, Bang? Dark? You guys have a disagreement on dorsal spine count.

A quick google says Bang's right, but I don't have the guts to say Dark's wrong.

After all, he's currently leading the voting for best Avatar.