how does this look for my tank. . .


Active Member
The remora is about 160ish. You can't put it on your sump, the water level is too low. There is a sump version of it though, it's called an Urchin and is similarly priced I think.
I have a 900 gph return pump from my sump and a 600 gph closed loop, plus the tunze in the tank pushing 1850 gph. I don't know that you need all that though.
Yes, I plan on getting back into zoos. I have some fire and ice zoos being shipped to me monday. I had a few blues before and I'll probably have them again.
I will be willing to trade frags one day, but I think that's a ways away for both of us.
I have a few Astraea
snails in my sump ATM, but I plan on taking a few of them out as soon as they get the sump a little cleaner. A couple of small hermits in there isn't really a bad idea IMO. My sump is under my stand and I only see it when I go under there for maintenance, so spending money for critters for in there is a low priority for me. I do have a quarter sized hitchhiker feather duster that survived Katrina attached to a LR in my sump.
I'm in Louisiana, so no idea on LR cost from FLA. I pay 6 bucks a pound at my LFS here in town.


Active Member
cool so is the urchin is probley not my thing, and yes :sigh: im gonna invest in the skimmer. aquac remora and do i have to buy a second pump, like a mag 3. aslo how much do closed loops cost, yeah frag shipping is a ways isnt it. bummer i was looking forward to stealing some of your coveted zoos.
yeah and the stand i buit has a window where you can see it from the outside so critters are wanted in there any ideas, and to top everything off i cracked my 30! i was washing it and it was in the grass and the tip hit the sement and cracked the edge corner, no slivers and its not bad. it has a lip and it should be ok. also i would love a couple-o-mangroves :cheer: those are sweet.
well as i wait for your answer i went to one of your erlier threads a year ago and you werent the know it all u are now, jk


Active Member
ohh and i just relized i do have aqarium corals.. yeah its a awsome book my personall favrite. second what do serious sps keepers due to feed sps. also i want toons of clams eventualy and is photoplankton ok.
i have an filter its like something pinguin 330 and i wanna know if i should still run it on my tank, or should i just keep it for another tank?


Active Member
Hey Rubberduck consider a different skimmer other than Corallife and very hard to overskim any tank.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
Hey Rubberduck consider a different skimmer other than Corallife and very hard to overskim any tank.....
yeah im lokking into the aqua c remora thx to wax


Active Member
Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
well as i wait for your answer i went to one of your erlier threads a year ago and you werent the know it all u are now, jk

Hey I don't claim to "know it all"!

Just think, a year ago I was where you are now.

You will want more water movement in your tank for sure. A closed loop is just one of many ways to do it. When I had my 30 gallon I used an over the top closed loop...
Basically it's a elbow shaped output nozzle that you hang on your tank connected to a hose that goes to a pump, like a mag 7 (personally I used a blueline 30). From the intake side of the pump you run another hose that goes to a PVC elbow that also hangs on the back of the tank... you connect a screened intake to this elbow. Kinda hard to explain, but someone at your LFS should have a clue what I am talking about.

If you have room with all the other junk hanging on the back of your tank, you can still use your penguin filter... I had a hang on filter on my 30 that I just used to put carbon in and increase water movement.

bang guy

Originally Posted by RUBBERDUCK
also is this a ok livestock list
2 true perculas paired
4 bangi(sp) cardnial fish 2 pairs
and a watchman/ tiger pistol shrimp duo...
No more that 1 male and 1 female Banggai in a 55. 2 pair won't work long term.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
No more that 1 male and 1 female Banggai in a 55. 2 pair won't work long term.
ok thanks, what can i do to make this pair confortable since i dont have a 900 gallon lagoon.
cool btw wax, i miht make my own collosed loop. and bang what should i do in your oppinion with me wanting to breed two different kinds of fish? :help:
here is some of my pictures of my custom stand and the space is for my 30 gallon o be seen on the outside.
i love it



Active Member
oww heres the final pic from 2 min ago, with me (center), dad (left), and grandpa (right) we worked over 90 hours on it, my dads paranoid and it ended up being built using 125 gallon stand plans
:notsure: ***)
it is noched and all the nine yards, costed about $200 and is custom made, thx to my grandpas,s experties
what do you think


Active Member
crap here are the pics. my bad
first is the pic with me and my extended family
second is me working on it
third is it with tank in and light door open
forth is the tank with light door open.
what do you guys think ***) :cheer:



Rubberduck, where are you at in Indiana? Why the move from Ky?
By the way your stand is awesome. I like that the sump is a visable part of the set up.


Active Member
the cool thing is that i made it for less or maybe a little more but i got to customize it the way i want it and im very pleased, any other oppinions?


Active Member
hey guys how does it look. here are some more pics
one of my fuge tank(not equiped yet with borders
second with the top endention for 55 gallon tank
