sinner's girl
people who have reefs seem to spend way more time and money on thier tanks than I do.
I have fish and inverts. I check sg daily. add top off water every other day or so. Check water levels once a week or so. Feed daily or so.
I do water changes about once a month, but not always. Last two years with grad school were busy, so it was more like every 2.5 -3 months and everything was fine (but I only had 2 fish for a few years, then no fish last year)
Maintance is easy on my 75gl and 55gl (when the 55gl was salt anyway).
In the 75gl i have cc and somewhere over 100lbs lr, hang on filter, 2 phs, a heater. No skimmer. and currently no lights (the lights tried to burn down the house, Sinner hasn't fixed them yet).
With reef you have to test more things, and your water has to be better, though my nitrates are normally under 20.
40% is a lot, why do you do that much? 25% should be enough, unless your levels are high.
I have fish and inverts. I check sg daily. add top off water every other day or so. Check water levels once a week or so. Feed daily or so.
I do water changes about once a month, but not always. Last two years with grad school were busy, so it was more like every 2.5 -3 months and everything was fine (but I only had 2 fish for a few years, then no fish last year)
Maintance is easy on my 75gl and 55gl (when the 55gl was salt anyway).
In the 75gl i have cc and somewhere over 100lbs lr, hang on filter, 2 phs, a heater. No skimmer. and currently no lights (the lights tried to burn down the house, Sinner hasn't fixed them yet).
With reef you have to test more things, and your water has to be better, though my nitrates are normally under 20.
40% is a lot, why do you do that much? 25% should be enough, unless your levels are high.