How Easy Are FOWLR tanks as compared...


sinner's girl

people who have reefs seem to spend way more time and money on thier tanks than I do.
I have fish and inverts. I check sg daily. add top off water every other day or so. Check water levels once a week or so. Feed daily or so.
I do water changes about once a month, but not always. Last two years with grad school were busy, so it was more like every 2.5 -3 months and everything was fine (but I only had 2 fish for a few years, then no fish last year)
Maintance is easy on my 75gl and 55gl (when the 55gl was salt anyway).
In the 75gl i have cc and somewhere over 100lbs lr, hang on filter, 2 phs, a heater. No skimmer. and currently no lights (the lights tried to burn down the house, Sinner hasn't fixed them yet).
With reef you have to test more things, and your water has to be better, though my nitrates are normally under 20.
40% is a lot, why do you do that much? 25% should be enough, unless your levels are high.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Here a couple pics of my 65.This tank uses no mechanical relies on the rock,live sand,clean-up crew and refugium to keep it filter media is needed.

Hope one day for mine to look even half as good as yours.
So do you use a skimmer? or not that either?
That would be great since I cannot imagine having to clean one every other day.
I was considering an ecosystem just to avoid the skimmer. What do you think?
Have you heard anything good about it?


Originally Posted by promisetbg
I suggest putting a 20 long below your tank,find some one in your area{ask around a reef shop} that can turn it into a sump/refugium for you.
Get a good skimmer rated for your size tank.Cleaning the neck and cup of the
skimmer should be done every other day or so.Place your heater along with the skimmer in the first chamber.In the second put chaetomorpha w/ a clip on light from HD.Remove the reflector and also at HD,look for a bulb like this:It is a 75 watt par 38 bulb ,that only uses 19 watts and is cool to the touch,it has it's own reflector.It grows macro like crazy.

In the third chamber put your return pump.Mag drive is a good solid pump.
In my 65 gal tank I do a quick 5 gal. water change weekly.

Hey Promise. Thanks for the input. I am hoping that I do not have to clean the skimmer every other day. I heard some say once a week and up to every other week with success. Same thing with the water changes...actually every 2 weeks and some even do it once a month , a bigger water change though. And they have successful tanks.
Hopefully once established..I can get away with that being that I will have a 74 gallon.
Have you heard of the ecosystem? I was considering it because of the less maintenance involved in having one.
thanks again!


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
people who have reefs seem to spend way more time and money on thier tanks than I do.
I have fish and inverts. I check sg daily. add top off water every other day or so. Check water levels once a week or so. Feed daily or so.
I do water changes about once a month, but not always. Last two years with grad school were busy, so it was more like every 2.5 -3 months and everything was fine (but I only had 2 fish for a few years, then no fish last year)
Maintance is easy on my 75gl and 55gl (when the 55gl was salt anyway).
In the 75gl i have cc and somewhere over 100lbs lr, hang on filter, 2 phs, a heater. No skimmer. and currently no lights (the lights tried to burn down the house, Sinner hasn't fixed them yet).
With reef you have to test more things, and your water has to be better, though my nitrates are normally under 20.
40% is a lot, why do you do that much? 25% should be enough, unless your levels are high.

wow, I like that maintenance schedule much better!!!
No skimmer huh? That would be great. Maybe I will do a FOWLR for a bit and not have to worry for a bit. I wonder if I should just do the hang on filter for now? Although I will have a reef ready tank. I just don't want to see all the equipment on top of the tank..I guess maybe a refugium is not a bad idea to do.
I think someone else said they do 40% water changes once a month. I guess maybe because it is once a month that they do it. I like that much better. I cannot imagine doing it every week. That is just too much for me right now.
Thanks for the input...


Here is my 45 gal FOWLR, as you can see, you cant see much equipment. On the back is the large style CPR hang on refugium. Like i had mentioned the CPR has an option to get a hang on with a buit in skimmer. There is also a pic of my 125 reef that i run with the same type of refugium.



That reef tank looks great. What a nice job you did.
The FOWLR tank is really simple and yet so nice too.
I will have the I am going with either a refugium
or possibly the ecosystem. Still trying to get info on that.
I like the fact that I dont need a skimmer if I do the ecosystem.
How far out does the hang on refug come out? 4"?

sinner's girl

I think someone else said they do 40% water changes once a month. I guess maybe because it is once a month that they do it. I like that much better. I cannot imagine doing it every week. That is just too much for me right now.
I still don't do 40% once a month. that's way too much. I've only done more than 25% when it was an emergany (or I thought it was, test kit result was wrong :mad: )
If you don't overload (have too many fish) your system, you really shouldn't have a problem. Once you get used to your tank, it's easier. If you keep hardy fish and inverts (not corals and such), you'll have to do less manitance as they can take some change in the water. I'd still test weekly and be ready in case you needed to do a wc.
But some will disagree and say I'm wrong, you have to do waterchange every month. But my nitrates are under 20, everything else is good, and I haven't done a wc since I got my inverts on Aug. 2. I have the water ready to do one, I just haven't done it. When I add fish, I'll be a little better. But like I said, we've had our tanks for about 5 years or so, during the time we were in school. Last two years I went to grad school full time and worked 38 hours a week, I didn't have time for wc and messing with the tank. I also only had two stars, who were happy as long as I feed them.
Since I've add more inverts, I pay a bit more attention. When I spend money on fish (as soon as I get money), I'll do better. But this works for me, you'll find what works for you.
Sinner likes corals so one day he may add them, but off course he doesn't do any mantance whatsoever on tank, so I doubt they would last long.
It's fun setting up a new tanks. Almost makes me want to look for a job so I can get another tank (even though I was told the floor would cave in if I got another one, I don't really believe that), almost, if I was working I wouldn't have to time to play with my creatures.


WOW, Sinner's Girl you are really worked up about that 40%. Who are you to judge what's way too much for MY reef water changes?? I have no problem if you personally think it's too much but you sound pretty judgemental. I like to do bigger water changes on a monthly basis if I miss the every two week schedule. Since I change 20% every two weeks (which bye the way seems reasonable TO ME), then it only makes sense TO ME that if I miss a biweekly water change of 20% that I would double that (40%) for a monthly change. Seems pretty logical TO ME and my tank certainly has no complaints and corals are thriving. I like that I am giving my tank more trace minerals with water changes and I don't have to dose calcium/alk as much. It works for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjord97
Here is my 45 gal FOWLR, as you can see, you cant see much equipment. On the back is the large style CPR hang on refugium. Like i had mentioned the CPR has an option to get a hang on with a buit in skimmer. There is also a pic of my 125 reef that i run with the same type of refugium.

Ok!!!!! this looks like what I am going to attempt, do you have an email addy i could send you an email on?? I have a 75 gal. Im adding a 400 watt MH light and also wanting to find a Retro kit for 1 T-5 super actinic on either side of the MH, ditching the old 80 watts of NO, now here is my question...I use a CPR bakpak II skimmer, emporer 400, and three powerheads. now I am going to obviously upgrade my skimmer to do corals, but I wanted to know without drilling my tank how i could use a 29 gal that I have, and turn it into a sump/fuge combo.....I have the funds readily available just need a plan to do so...any ideas?? BTW i saw on another post you were "sponsored" by a certain online retailer, which i have looked at that page, but I cant seem to find a decent retro kit for 1 T-5 super actinic , well totaling 2 T-5's but they are going to DIY on my hood I have, building four fan ports for cooling...


Active Member
I'm sorry ..I missed adding..yes a good skimmer is one of the most important items IMO.On cleaning the skimmer..Im not talking about the whole thing,just the neck of the skimmer and the collection cup.
My tanks run 0 nitrates...always.


Hey, if it works for you...more power to ya. I hope to be able to do water changes once a month too.
I am not going to overload and I am going to have a 75 gallon with tons of LR and LS.
Plus either an ecosystem or refugium. Not sure yet. I want to avoid the I may go with the ecosystem.


Originally Posted by RumRunner
WOW, Sinner's Girl you are really worked up about that 40%. Who are you to judge what's way too much for MY reef water changes?? I have no problem if you personally think it's too much but you sound pretty judgemental. I like to do bigger water changes on a monthly basis if I miss the every two week schedule. Since I change 20% every two weeks (which bye the way seems reasonable TO ME), then it only makes sense TO ME that if I miss a biweekly water change of 20% that I would double that (40%) for a monthly change. Seems pretty logical TO ME and my tank certainly has no complaints and corals are thriving. I like that I am giving my tank more trace minerals with water changes and I don't have to dose calcium/alk as much. It works for me.
Thats good. Again, what works for one may not work for another. I hope to be able to get away with less water changes..and they said if I do ecosystem..I will not need to dose...yipee!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lennon
I want to avoid the I may go with the ecosystem.
Before you make this decision,I suggest you take a look at some tanks that run with a skimmer.Look into the collection you really want THAT in your tank?? :thinking:


Originally Posted by snailheave
i find a pure reef tank (with very little fish) easier to maintain than a fowlr.

Why would you say that? Just curious because I was told with a reef..there is more testing involved since corals and anemones and such need prestine water conditions and cannot handle changes like FOWLR tanks can.
Just curious..
thanks for the input...