How Easy Are FOWLR tanks as compared...


I have a 75G FIWLRLS and i know my tank is overstocked. I run 2 AC-300's a turboflotor 1000M and a prizm (for sh!ts and giggles).
This is my stocking list
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Foxface
1 Cinnamin tomato clown
1 clarkii clown
1 niger trigger
1 velvet damsel
1 domino damsel
1 yellow bell damsel
2 blue yellow tail damsels
2 4-stripe damsels
1 blue devil damsel
1 firefish
1 banghai cardinal
1 coral banded shrimp
My most important advice would be to get a GOOD skimmer. Pay the extra 100$ and get a good one. DO NOT get a prizm or a seaclone . They just dont pull out the stuff you need out of there.
Just watch your water parameters daily and do your water changes. Dont change more than 20% of the water at once (Will shock fish). It is better to change 20% today and wait a day then 20% more. Think of walking into a smoky bar. It just hits you all at once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
you drink too much coffee
I've been told that on more than one occassion... more like daily.

Denise M.
Just for you tonight I've switched to Chai Tea.