How far can I go with $1000? (Reef Tank)


New Member
I'm brand new to the world of salt water reef tanks and I would like to get into the hobby. Currently, I do not own a tank. I'm going to do much research before I actually start. I don't think I'm willing to spend more than $1000. How far will this take me? I really want a tank with about 8-10 fish and lots of corals. Is $1000 not enough? Also is this website the best place to buy stuff for my tank? Thanks!
i dont think $1000 is going to take to far,
when i got to the hobby i had the same idea as you but i ended up spending $2000 and at the end is well worth it,
oh wait there is no end.


Originally Posted by AQUARIUM125G
i dont think $1000 is going to take to far,
when i got to the hobby i had the same idea as you but i ended up spending $2000 and at the end is well worth it,
oh wait there is no end.

Man you got off easy


Active Member
If you do your research, and keep an eye out on your local craig list or news press, you may be able to get started with a nice used tank. A tank for 8 to 10 fish would depend on the fish. you can have 8 clown gobies in a 20 gal tank, but 8 to 10 tangs would need a 200 gal tank


Active Member
your best bet is to buy a used system locally..check craigslist. LOOK OUT FOR THE CRAIGSLIST KILLER!!!!
no but seriously..look into buying a used system..before you buy it, ask around to see if the tank you are looking at is worth it..

crypt keeper

Active Member
$680 is not $1000 and you would be just about done. You can also buy used lights cheaper. Get a HOB skimmer like the CPR or CPR dual with the fuge in the middle. That would be all you need for mechanical filtration. Add some sand. Boom. Gorgeous reef tank that when done can rival most reef tanks IMO. Two Clowns. A blenny or goby. Coral Beauty angel.
Im starting this project next week. I just talked myself into it.
look at some of these


Wow those 40 gallon breeders are really nice sure seems like it would be a nice option to explore. Quick question would it be worth it to have small sump and skimmer as opposed to a HOB Skimmer or would that be overkill?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
Wow those 40 gallon breeders are really nice sure seems like it would be a nice option to explore. Quick question would it be worth it to have small sump and skimmer as opposed to a HOB Skimmer or would that be overkill?
more filtration, the better..go with the sump/fuge, ultimately better in the long run.


Active Member
thousand dollars will take care of the equipment
Aqueon/AGA 40g tank <$100
Aqueon/AGA 36"x18"stand $150 (less if DIY. less period. I used overpriced online source)
drilling or hang on sump kit $100
walmart 10g sump/baffles/silicon tube <$50 (I paid more like <$30. tank is $10)
small octopus or vertex-80 sump skimmer $150
maxi-jet/sureflow kit/magnet kit 1600gph-2100gph $60
36" Nova Extreme Pro $320 (or 36" sundial will suffice $260)
150w stealth heater $30
that comes to $960 and you can substitute the less thans for shipping cost of some of the items. worry about liverock and livestock after getting equipment. the above basically IS my system but I use a cheaper ($60 local) 30g long aquarium and stand (breeder is 36"Lx18"Dx16"H, 30g long is 36"Lx12"Dx16"H) and I use a current sunpod instead of current extreme pro (different method,same difference).
liverock and stock is where you should go used since you pay less and there really is no such thing as used liverock and stock.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by LeggoMyEggow
I'm brand new to the world of salt water reef tanks and I would like to get into the hobby. Currently, I do not own a tank. I'm going to do much research before I actually start. I don't think I'm willing to spend more than $1000. How far will this take me? I really want a tank with about 8-10 fish and lots of corals. Is $1000 not enough? Also is this website the best place to buy stuff for my tank? Thanks!

You can buy used equipment, the tank, filtration, new live sand, but don't skimp on lights, get the best you can.
One pound of rock costs about $10.00 - $7.00 a pound. Buy base rock and some live will seed and be much cheaper to buy that way.
All the money is in purchasing coral and nice fish...that comes later, and everyone spends so much because it is so addictingly (is that a real word???) beautiful. We just keep spending and going bigger!
I did allot of research too, nothing wrong with that!...I kept putting off buying because I was afraid of the price and how hard it must be and all that. I am having such a great time, I wish I had done this years ago.