How far do you drive to get to your LFS


Active Member
94 votes and 494 views ..... c'mon people 6 shy of 100 .... not sure why I am driven to hit the 100 mark but as this was a stray thought while I was sitting at work contemplating whether I could leave, get home then hit an LFS that is nearly 45+ miles away ......


I drive about 80 miles north or south.Hey overanalyzer.Do you know of any stores in the KCK or KCMO areas.:cool: .Chris


Active Member

Originally posted by cmpowell
I drive about 80 miles north or south.Hey overanalyzer.Do you know of any stores in the KCK or KCMO areas.:cool: .Chris

yeah shoot me an e-mail and let me know whether you want north of the city or south of the city or both ....


hey Aggie05 where do you shop at in C.S.? There wasn't any good places when I was there 5 years ago. Definetly head down to 290 in H town. Incredable place, take you 40 minutes on 6. I visit there often when I go to Houston.
What are you studing?
I was a BIMS major.