How fast to add fish?


120 gallon Reef. My tank has cycled. How fast can I add fish? How many at a time? How long to wait in between fish?


I've done it with 2 weeks in between, but keep in mind how much of a pain in the

it will be trying to get a fish (or multiple) out of a 120 if you go too quickly & get an ich outbreak. Def. go slow and QT them first!! I got lucky stocking them that quickly. I'm pretty sure the rule of thumb is to qt them for 3-4 weeks to make sure they don't come down with anything (and can treat them if they do), before putting them in the display.


I lost a bunch of tangs and a breeding pair of clown (true percs) because I didn't wait till my tank was fully cylced so honestly forget you even have a tank for atleast a month and a half!!!!

sinner's girl

Once you're sure it's cycled you can add fish (or a pair of fish or group), wait 3-4, weeks, add another. Once you add one, you can buy another and place it in your QT for 3-4 weeks.
If you plan on adding a same school of something, wait at least a few months after the tank is cycled, then add the school. and wait a few months before adding anything else.
remember to keep an eye on your levels after you add fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skiutah
120 gallon Reef. My tank has cycled. How fast can I add fish? How many at a time? How long to wait in between fish?
The slower the better. I believe you should error on the side of caution and added a fish every other week or two and monitor water closely.
There is a lot to be said about taking the time and researching what fish you want and compatability issues. Believe it or not, even when you think you have your mind made up you find out about a new fish and it can change your plans and you can discover an incompatability issue.
There is nothing more disappointing than losing a couple hundred dollars worth of fish due to getting impatient.
Denise M.


Active Member
i always added at least two at a time...... never had a problem, but once a month is what i hear