How high will gas be?



Idk but we need to start drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.


Active Member
Until we so no...the sky is the limit!!!!!! if we ALL stopped driving fro 1-2 days no matter the cost , they would HAVE TO drop prices!! but that will never happen and they know it , so get ready its going wayyyyyy up!


Active Member
It is always around double in France. Most folks drive small cars but it is around 1.30 Euro per Litre so that is-
approx 4 liters per gallon= 5.20 Euro= about 8.50 US currency per gallon and people dont blink at the pump. Price goes up and down just like here but its ALWAYS double our prices and no one ever seems to care.
I am always shocked when coming back here and people bark so much about it. Drive a smaller car for crying out loud....or stop complaining.
Just my thoughts, I am sure I will be tarred and feathered for saying it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
It is always around double in France. Most folks drive small cars but it is around 1.30 Euro per Litre so that is-
approx 4 liters per gallon= 5.20 Euro= about 8.50 US currency per gallon and people dont blink at the pump. Price goes up and down just like here but its ALWAYS double our prices and no one ever seems to care.
Just my thoughts, I am sure I will be tarred and feathered for saying it.
haha, give up the monster trucks eh? i find myself chuckling when we go down the street to save 2 pennies per save what, maybe 30 cents?
i get these stupid texts as well about banning gas for a day...never makes any sense to we hold off one day, their sales day their sales skyrocket?


its the down side of rate cuts. Dollar loses ground against foriegn currencies, oil is bought and sold in dollars so now other countries can buy more for cheaper raising overall demand and making it more expensive for the US. Its all cyclical though, gas will be below $2.50 a gallon within a year or two i'd bet


Active Member
Originally Posted by natemd
Its all cyclical though, gas will be below $2.50 a gallon within a year or two i'd bet
I could only hope. Most of my toys either use gas or i have to drive to use my toys or worse both drive to use the toy and then i have to fill the toy up to play.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, give up the monster trucks eh? i find myself chuckling when we go down the street to save 2 pennies per save what, maybe 30 cents?
i get these stupid texts as well about banning gas for a day...never makes any sense to we hold off one day, their sales day their sales skyrocket?
Yeah, the people who write those emails assume that gas prices work on supply and demand, and it just simply doesn't work that way.
Because oil prices are tied to the dollar and there is a major commodities trade for oil it more depends on the US and global economy. Keep the economies healthy and the price of oil will stay lower. If anyone wants to know what will help more than taking a "day off of gas", go buy some stuff at your local mall... spend money on goods and services, thus helping the economy, which will raise the value of the dollar and help more in the long run.


Active Member
At the current rate it will be $4 in about another 6 weeks, and $5 by the end of the year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Egregious
Why would you think that?
Why would I think what ? That it will never drop back below 3 dollars a gallon ? Simple . They know we will pay 3.50 a gallon so why sell it for less . We as consumers have no choice but to pay the prices they ask . I don't know seams like a pretty basic concept .

salty blues

Active Member
If Billary or Barackary get in the white house and cut and run from Iraq as promised, Iran will move into Iraq as part of their design on dominating the region. This will destabilize the region even more.
Should this happen, we'll all be looking at $6 to $7 per gallon gas, remembering the good old days when gas was just $4 a gallon.

nano reefer

Active Member
i put 5. it is already 3.89 here. So it will go well beyond 4, but i doubt it will reach 5. gt close but not reach. I dont know why we are complaing. Its $8 USD a gallon in Europe, and $28 USD in Sierra Leon


Originally Posted by natemd
its the down side of rate cuts. Dollar loses ground against foriegn currencies, oil is bought and sold in dollars so now other countries can buy more for cheaper raising overall demand and making it more expensive for the US. Its all cyclical though, gas will be below $2.50 a gallon within a year or two i'd bet
Yep soon as the oil barens leave the big house. Big=white
Gota get what you can while the gettin is good b4 you go