How important is ro?


Exactly how important is ro? I know it is perferred that u use and ro system to filter your tap water.. So I went and bought me a 10 gallon per day unit. It is installed, and I am currently "sanitizing" it. The manufacturer recommends that you fill the prefilter to 1" below o-ring and add 4tbs bleach, so I did.. Now I have to let it fill? When I try to let it run for the 10 minutes at a time as suggested in the manual, it runs out of water.. I am assuming this is normal? A slow trickle is about all I get leaving it open. My guess is because it only produces 10 gpd, right? I just want to make sure everything that I am doing is normal. Anyone had a similar experience?

bang guy

10gpd is just a steady drip.
Bleach :scared: really? I've never heard of that. I would think it would ruin the RO membrane.


Active Member
I never heard of that earlier. I would be very careful and test the water before using it. Do you have a nano tank for that 10gpd?


yea it came with a tank, and the whole bleach thing is what it says to do in the instructions for sanitizing it.. I dunno, but I thought I should follow the instructions for once haha. It also says I need to let it run for 10 minutes, turn off for 1 minute to let it build back up, then back on for 10 more minutes or until the bleach smell is gone.. I was skeptical at first about the bleach too, since it is known that chlorine will damage the membrane, but I even called GE and they confirmed that you add bleach. They also said different models need to be sanitized differently.. But this is what I am supposed to do with this particular one..
Anyways, I do plan on testing it b4 using it! Would be foolish not to, especially when they had me put water and bleach into the prefilter. I want to be sure all that clorine is gone! The water coming out is crystal clear! But I understand that I need to dump out more then the first 10 gallons that comes from it.. Meaning it will take me another full day before I can test the water and possibly add 10 gallons per day (if working as it should), filling it in a little over a week! Damn this will take a while, but I just think of the $ i saved by not buying water from a store, and I get lots of spare drinking water to boot!
I wish someone else had this particular setup so I could cross reference..
its the GE brand model number: GXRM10G, if that might help someone trying to see what I am talking about.
They also had me rinse the membrane under tap water b4 installing, so I made sure it was a pretty quick rinse. Does all this sound right?


Active Member
Never heard of it, but the unit is probably designed for drinking or household purposes and not really intended for the aquarium trade


Active Member
I think RO + DI would be better for aquariums. I think there may still exist some dissolved solids with an RO only. My unit will give me a TDS reading of 8 - 10 for RO only but after DI, I get 0.

bang guy

Originally Posted by mrdc
I think RO + DI would be better for aquariums. I think there may still exist some dissolved solids with an RO only. My unit will give me a TDS reading of 8 - 10 for RO only but after DI, I get 0.
Correct. Most of the Phosphate and Silicates will make it through the membrane unless it's a Hi-S membrane.


I really am not sure as to what a Hi-S membrane is.. it is blue, and part number is fx12m
Says it removes 99% of lots of stuff..


removes: 99% of Lead, 99.95% of Cysts, 97% of Mercury, 99% of Chemicals/VOCs, 99% of Copper, 97% of Tannins, and Particulates 0.5-1.0 micron. It also reduces Sediment, Rust, Chlorine (Taste and Odor), Nitrate/Nitrite, Sodium, Magnesium, Ammonia, and Arsenic.
that is what it claims.. I cant wait to test the water! only 7.5 more gallons to throw away first!


ok lol thats how u post pics in replies.. I got the unit at Home Depot fishinfool.. $150, got it as drinking water, but might as well use it for tank too, right? Even comes with a lil spicket. Can be mounted pretty much anywhere like right next to a tank lol. notice the ghetto job i did with the waste line going into the disposer.. and yes that is aquarium sealant! lol


The thing with RO is you waste so much water. So I looked for the answer to the water waste. I purchased one of the simple Tap Water Filters by Aq. Pharm. and it works great. My nitrates have never been lower they stay around 10 and my corals well they are bursting. So If it were me I dont think I would spend alot of money on one of those expensive RO units.


Another thing with the expensive units is you waste 4 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of water. So to make 10 gallons of water you waste 40 gallons that go down your drain.


that is correct but the water going down the drain is BAD for your tank. That is how much bad stuff the system removes. It is not being wasted it simply must reject the bad water so you can have GREAT water! The system you got beerkegman does not remove the harmful dissolved metals in your water, which can be very bad down the road! These metals do not evaporate with the water, therefore turning into a concentrate or being absorbed by the precious living creatures inside the water! Make sense to waste the water now?
If you are too concerned about water waste, run the drain line to the outside of ur house to a flower garden and you will never have to water it!

bang guy

Originally Posted by beerkegman
Another thing with the expensive units is you waste 4 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of water. So to make 10 gallons of water you waste 40 gallons that go down your drain.
Wait until you see what it costs to replace the rosins in your Tap Water Filter. RO is far cheaper in the long run.