How is this line up for 240


Ok, my 240 is 8x2x2, I have 4 canister filters equalling 420 gal of filter power at 3 tank turns per hour, plenty of filtration.
Grey Angel 8"
Miniatus Grouper 6"
Unicorn Tang 8"
Tessalata Eel 14"
But I can't decide on a trigger. Clown, Picasso, Undulated or Niger. All have qualities I like.
Anything else I should put in please let me know so I can add the trigger at the same time. And how about a clean up crew. One thing I have is a very fine sand so I can't blow away the stuff on the bottom with power heads.


It is advertised as a Eheim 2028 knockoff, same size but with more power in the pump. I have 3 on my reef, these babies work very well. I have had other filters, a smaller but actual eheim, and a Fluval, not to mention other hang on filters. I have sold all of these to buy more of the knockoffs. I am a repeat customer, very impressed.


do you have any rock? skimmer?
i don't know much about eels, but aren't tess eels pretty nasty?
i would def. not go with a undulated trigger. they are really aggressive.


the tess will kill all of your fish when he gets bigger and if you go with the unduliate he will kill everything same with the clown trigger


First...the tank isnt big enough for a Grey Angel or the Tess Moray. Second, the Tess shouldnt be kept with other fish, as they'll all be eaten in a timely manner. Third, the filtration that you're planning on putting on the tank isnt anywhere near good enough. You're going to need a large skimmer and alot of live rock.


First, a 240 gal is plenty big for a large angel, and if the fish is large enough the eel will not eat it. They are already together and living happily, I am just posting a thread to what would be the best trigger. Yes I do have live rock and pvc piping that the eel loves. There is plenty of filtration, if anything more than enough. I will not put a skimmer on their, I have one for my reef tank and fish do fine with out it.


who said anything about eating them it will attack them and kill it also a 240 is not big enough for a 2 foot long angel and if you dont have a skimmer you will have bad water quality and one more think dont come crawling to us when your eel kills all of your fish no matter how big they are


Originally Posted by cougar
First, a 240 gal is plenty big for a large angel, and if the fish is large enough the eel will not eat it. They are already together and living happily, I am just posting a thread to what would be the best trigger. Yes I do have live rock and pvc piping that the eel loves. There is plenty of filtration, if anything more than enough. I will not put a skimmer on their, I have one for my reef tank and fish do fine with out it.

Even a cursory look would've shown you that Grey Angels can/will max out at 24". Sounds like just the perfect habitat for the fish, considering your tank is 24" wide x 24" high.
Good luck...unfortunately, you're gonna need ALOT of it.


canister filters aren't really used too much in saltwater. you could have some carbon and some liverock rubble in them. what is important is enough rock(in your case about 250-300 lbs.), a good skimmer, and good turnover (over 10X). the extra turnover can be accomplished by powerheads.


Tesselata eels can be kept with fish, as long as they do not fit in their mouth. Haven't you guys ever heard that before. Is the mouth of a Tess going to grow to 14". And by the way, multiple sites and books say a grey requires min of 125-180 gal tank, for a fish that grows up to 18" in an aquarium. Do some research before you comment on my stock, I have experience, just not with triggers. And I have heard that the undulated and clown can get nasty, I just want to hear from people with experience with triggers. I have had this large tank for quite some time now, I do have a protein skimmer on my 120 reef, but do not see a need with my 240 for the water is clear and fish are healthy. I do have plenty of live rock, I wouldn't say 300 lbs, but it is in the hundreds. The problem I do have is stuff lying on the bottom of the sand bed, but I can't use powerheads because of how fine the sand is. I clean out my canisters on a regular basis, they are on a rotation. Keeping sand out of them is important to have them run at a high rate.


Originally Posted by cougar
And by the way, multiple sites and books say a grey requires min of 125-180 gal tank, for a fish that grows up to 18" in an aquarium.
isn't a 125 gal. tank 18" wide? an 18" fish wouldn't be able to turn around. when you add in rock, it would get worse. i can't trust the credibility of a site that says an 18" fish can be in a tank that is 18" wide.


It would be really nice if swf would put info like that with the fish descriptions. Anyways, 2 websites and an species book say min of 125gal on one web site, 140gal on another, and 180gal in my book. Should I be worried in a 240?


i'm sort of confused. are we talking about the grey poma angel (Chaetodontoplus melansoma) from this site? because wet web media has the scientific name Chaetodontoplus melanosoma listed as the black velvet angle. this fish gets to 8 inches.


AW2, is there a difference? what is the scientic name of the fish we are talking about?


yep, it sure gets 18 inches. if you really want to keep him, you could donate it to a local aquarium after about a foot.


Active Member
i dont care whata anyone says a TESS. eel will kill for fun and not because it "doesnt fit it their mouth" but becase one day it decides it wants its own tank!