How long can fish be in the bag?


Im thinking of placing an order from here but im worried about one thing. They dont do saturday deliveries so i wouldnt be home when they came. Someone would be home though to take them out of the box and float them in the water but they dont know how to acclimate them so they would be sitting in the bag until about 3. Would this be too long for them/would there be too much waste build up in their bags?


Active Member
They should be fine, just tell whoever is home to open up the fish bags (if your getting any fish) and roll the bag up a few inches to let some air in the bag.


Active Member
Roll DOWN the bag edges. Tell them to NOT let any of the bag water get into tank.
But realize too that they should be fine if left inside the bags inside the box until you get home. All delieveries do not reach their destinations all at the same time so 3pm should be fine. I usually get mine here after 4 or 5 pm.


well it depends...if they use fedex then they usually devliver in the morning around 10 but its ups then they usually deliver here around 6 or so but i dont know if they do stuff different with priority overnight deliveries or not??? I could leave them in the box but would they stay warm enough? my house is kept around 68ish this time of year but i could put them in a room with a heater.


I think they use FedEx. I don't get home from school until around 4 ish and the last order we placed was fine just sitting in the box until I was able to get to it.


This site uses fedex to ship. Also, they will do saturday delivery's for about $10 extra, it is an option when you check out.
I like to do a Saturday delivery and have the package held at the FedEx location (another option during checkout but you will need the address of your local fedex office). This means You can be at the office first thing Saturday morning to get your package and not even wait for the truck to get to your house. It is the fastest way to get to your house possible.

bang guy

Just some experience I had a couple years ago in February here. SWF sent a box of fish. UPS went to the wrong building (a closed school) and instead of calling they took the box back to Rochester. They delivered it the next day to the correct address.
No casualties even though the temp of the water was very low.


Active Member
FedEx is always here (at work) by 9:30am.
I open the box and let it stay in a dark/warm area after I 'check on' everyone.
Take it home around 4:30pm and begin acclimating.
No problems in 5 orders.


Active Member
I have all my SWF.COM orders shipped to my office address. I bust out whatever I ordered for my nano in my office, and all the stuff for my home tanks stays in the box until about 5pm. Never once had a casualty.