How long can it go w/out water change?


I had knee surgery yesterday, and will be on crutches for 3+ weeks (no weight bearing). Its going to be hard for me to move 5 gallon buckets around, so my question is how long can I go without a water change. If the parameters remain ok, can I hold off for a month or so? Or, what woould a service charge to come in for a cleanup/water change?
I did a thorough cleaning of the tank on Sunday, and a 30% water change.
Here's my setup:
58g Oceanic
50 pds liver rock, crushed coral
Amiracle w/Bioballs
EHeim Sys II
Precision Marine skimmer
Hippo Tang
6 Line wrasse
Bi-Color Pseudo
Pair of perc clowns
3 damsels
Arrow Crab
2 doz assorted snails/hermits


Active Member
well, i know people that havent cleaned their tanks in two months but im not saying you should do that, i do bi-weekly changes, i would try to feed less then what your feeding your tank, i would also ask a friend to do the water changes and just treat him/her to a burger(because im cheap) when its over
As long as your water perimiters stay good and ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate dont go to high, it would be fine. Some people haven't changed there water for over 1 year because they can maintain good water. So check it every week or so just incase.
Hope you feel better!:(


Active Member
plum70rt, you have such a great tank, i assumed you would have done a couple changes a month, that was a surprise to me
LFS? to a waterchange, dont get me wrong but isnt that about 50-100+ dollars? for a waterchange? get your friend to do it


Active Member
No, its the denitrator, my tank is 100% nitrate free all the time, I use Chemi pure carbon also, change it every 60 days, my water always stays very stable, I just add topoff RO/DI water, and Im good to go,:)


Thanks for the quick responses.
I'll probably go with the friend idea - just feel funny about barking out the orders and you know those "non-fish" people aren't too crazy about getting their hands wet!
Hopefully, I'll be back on my feet in short order if I follow the docs orders and do my PT - ouch.


Active Member
I've been doing my changes about every 4-5 weeks for about a year now. Also, my LFS has a girl (that knows her stuff) that will come to your house and maintain your tank for 10 bucks a shot (I think that more for the prefered customers). So, you may want to check at the LFS just for the heck of it, maybe you'll finally get a favor.
Hope your feeling better soon!