I had knee surgery yesterday, and will be on crutches for 3+ weeks (no weight bearing). Its going to be hard for me to move 5 gallon buckets around, so my question is how long can I go without a water change. If the parameters remain ok, can I hold off for a month or so? Or, what woould a service charge to come in for a cleanup/water change?
I did a thorough cleaning of the tank on Sunday, and a 30% water change.
Here's my setup:
58g Oceanic
50 pds liver rock, crushed coral
Amiracle w/Bioballs
EHeim Sys II
Precision Marine skimmer
Hippo Tang
6 Line wrasse
Bi-Color Pseudo
Pair of perc clowns
3 damsels
Arrow Crab
2 doz assorted snails/hermits
I did a thorough cleaning of the tank on Sunday, and a 30% water change.
Here's my setup:
58g Oceanic
50 pds liver rock, crushed coral
Amiracle w/Bioballs
EHeim Sys II
Precision Marine skimmer
Hippo Tang
6 Line wrasse
Bi-Color Pseudo
Pair of perc clowns
3 damsels
Arrow Crab
2 doz assorted snails/hermits