How long do diseases last?


New Member
I lost every fish in my 90 FOLR tank in a short amount of time. How long do diseases last if there is no host in the tank? Will it live in the live rock? Thanks, Dave in Sugar Hill, GA


Dave, that's kinda a broad question.....if you are talking ich, leaving your tank fishless for 8 weeks should kill it off
Do you have any clue what you fish died of? their symptoms? What are you water parameters? Why not tell us all about your tank


New Member
I also posted, inquiring about electricity, because that's at first what I thought wiped out the tank (lateral line disease).
Then I posted, inquiring about testing water for poisen.
90 corner overflow, 30 gallon wet/dry sump, BakPak skimmer, 9wtUV, + 350 Boi-Wheel filter.
Ammonia = between .25PPM and zero
pH = 8.2
Nitrate = 80 (yes, a little high)
Nitrite = zero
Copper = Zero
Ammonia = zero
Temp = 75.0 f
Four stage R/O filter in garage. I replace 8 gallons per week. Tank established in 2007, added a few, lost a few. Lost Snowflake Eel on 11-14, Hawaiin puffer 12-6, then everythink else (5 fish) between 12-21 and 12-28.
I dropped water level to 8 inches and kept water movement and did carbon filtration for two weeks, changing it every two days. I moved some sand and live rock into the 20 gal sump under my 125 on 1-11 and lost 5 fish on 1-12, and 2 on 1-13. Since then I have been changing 10 to 12 gallons per day and lost two fish yesterday.
There are two left and the Clownfish is breathing hard. The starfish, urchen, soft corals and YB Gobi look good for now. I am devistated and can use advise.

tangs rule

Active Member
First, identify all the sysptoms currently exhibited by any live fish and post them......scratching/fast respiration/not eating/ are signs......specifically look for white "grains of salt" on their skin....Do this now, cause once the fish die, it is very hard to tell anything.....Sounds parasitic to me, but post symptoms now - the remaining fish don't have long, likely.
What has been added to the tank in the last 2-3 months? ANYTHING - coral/invert/fish/live foods can all bring a parasite into your tank and wipe out your stock.....
Remember that it only takes 1 drop of water from someone elses contaminated tank to bring it into yours.....on a reef with unlimited ammounts of water,each parasite that successfully finds a host&feeds will drop off and MUST multiply into hundreds for survival..The odds are totally against them!!!!! BUT...there's so much water and so few fish!
In a home tank - or even multi thousand gallon show tanks, the odds go WAY WAY up for the parasites - just like shooting fish in a barrel for them. .
1 ich parasite becoms 200 - if only 10% survive - that's 20. Now the next cycle (about 1 week) will yield 4,000. Assuming 10% survive this cycle - the next cycle will yield 80,000, and the next cycle - 1.8 million..(in 1 month time) Forget the UV unit - they work some, but nothing can 100% control parasites except prevention - qtine proceedures. UV units give the human a good feeling of parasite control - but but usually not so much the fish.
Ammonia levels pretty high too, and that needs to be adressed- but later on.
Post what the fish are doing and we'll try to help.


New Member
Just had to euthenise the Clown. He was sucked against one of the cross pump inputs and I put him down. Only the YB Gobi left. In less than 2 months, I have lost $1,500+ in fish. I would give twice that to prevent this. I have been in the hobby for 35+years and hard in it for the past 8 years. I am thru making my little friends and comrads suffer.
Over and out, I will never return.
PS If you want stuff, come and get it.
By the way - When I removed the dead 4" Hippo tang, the 5" Yellow tang, and the 3" Royal Grama from the tank on 1-12, they were perfect specimens. Brilliant color, no wounds, picture perfect (and I took some). I am totally blown away......


Active Member
am i missing something?
electricity (lateral line disease)?
i dont know of a poison test kit.
something weird going on here