how long do i have?

hey everybody, i know i haven't been on the bords in a while but i need some advice..heres my situation..its a long story but my dads friends were playing pool and the ball hit my 580 dt and cracked it bad..there waz a few dad stoped the leaks but eventuly it just broke and i had no choice but to put my fish in my 60 gal qt..luckly all the fish r fine but now i have 5 angels and 1 tang in a 60 gal qt and a 580 dt which iz cracked dad brought a guy to take a look at the 580 dt and he said it waz i had no choice but to sell it and now i have to get another tank but my parents r on a short buget now cuz my mom had to pay 100 grand 4 her school so basically i have to wait a while 4 a new tank..prob a few weeks..i do not want to return any of my fish to the stores i just want to kno if they can live 4 a few weeks in my 60 gal qt..luckily the fish r small so i dont think there should be too many problems untill then..i had two seprate a few fish due to mild fights..i divided the tank in one half i have a 3.5" Blue Angelfish Adult, 3" Naso Tang, and a 2.5" Emperor Angelfish Changing, and on the other half i have a 3" French Angelfish Changing, 3" Maculosus Angelfish Changing, and a little 2" Asfur Angelfish Juvenile..thanx 4 the help


Active Member
I don't know but it seems to me that:
1 you have cut down on the swimming length by dividing the tank and this may increase aggression, stress.
2 you have confined fish into a smaller area by dividing the tank and this may increse aggression, stress.
Do you have any friends that could take a couple of fish and hold them for you?
Do you ahve a local reef club that could take a couple of fish and hold them for you?
Do you have a LFS that could take a couple of fish and hold them for you?
Let's see what others will say.
if i un divide my tank my blue 4 sum reason will kill my other fish but actully all the fish look fine..there getting along even tho they r in alot smaller tanks i think its cuz they grew up together but as 4 giving them to other lfs to hold i cant cuz i justt dont trust the lfs here..i did that in the past with a tang and they killed it by putting a large purple tang with it so 4 now i have to keep them but they look fine together so far so ill c how it goes


Active Member
It might work. The term is "hyper-stocking." You have so many fish in a confined area, there's no chance for any one fish to establish a territory, so aggressive is almost non-existant. That of course is a theory, and therefore only works sometimes. For 4 weeks, should be okay, keeping the water levels acceptable with that many fish will be tough though. Expect lots and lots of water changes, at least 75% total volume every week IMO (more frequent small changes like 10gal every other day is preferred).
Why are you selling the 580dt though? I can't imagine a tank with that nasty of crack, is worth much? Maybe scrap value for the other glass panes?


wow, that's horrible...I would hope your dad's friend would pay for that... If one of my dad's friends even cracked my 46 gal, I would be PISSED! Best of luck with everything. Thank God for QTs, I guess. Hope everything makes it, and you get another tank soon.


Active Member
Your Dad's friends sound negligent and owe you a new tank. The Comprehensive Personal Liability portion of their homeowners insurance should cover them.No, I'm not in the insurance business; but, hey, when fish are involved, hell with friendship! BTW, when I cracked a 240 once, I sold it for use as a reptile tank. (Snake people are strange!, Whoops, I mean most of them) Like AquaKnight said; I sure can't see any value in a cracked tank.


Active Member
Angel post pictures of the tank...this is the infamous 580g tank that we have never seen and now it is cracked? Man...that tank has had a bunch of bad ju-ju.
my dads friend gave my dad 2 grand 4 all the damages but i still think thats not enough after all the time and money my and my dad put into it, and as 4 the water the water iz perfect and im doing 10 galon water changes every week, and as 4 the 580 dt my dad sold it about 4 days ago cuz it waz so bad the only thing i could save waz the stand and the lights..the whole entire glass waz either on the ground or cracked..right now my fish r fine..except my little emperor has some hlle but he had that ever since a friend gave him to me and my maculosus angel iz a little shy hes hiding a bit beside this rock but he comes out to eat and his body izz spotless so i think hes just a little bit shy and my other are all fat and happy so i think i can last 4 weeks or so..i took some of the filtration off my 580 dt and put it on my 60 qt so the water should be perfect at all gonna take some pictures of my fish and post them soon..thx everyone
also i have 1 more problem..i have 400+ pounds of live rock..wat do i do with it?i went to sum lfs close to my house and they all wont take i just leave 400+ pounds of live rock in my basement?iz this bad 4 the rock?


Send the rock to me!!! Haha, who couldnt use more?
If you plan to eventually get another tank that big, go to a tractor supply or other farm equipment store, they have huge Rubbermaid containers used for holding water for horses and stuff to drink out of, fill it with saltwater add a few heaters and power heads and add the rock to that. If the rock dries out, its just base rock at that point and is useless for biological filtration purposes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sman
Send the rock to me!!! Haha, who couldnt use more?
If you plan to eventually get another tank that big, go to a tractor supply or other farm equipment store, they have huge Rubbermaid containers used for holding water for horses and stuff to drink out of, fill it with saltwater add a few heaters and power heads and add the rock to that. If the rock dries out, its just base rock at that point and is useless for biological filtration purposes.
But base rock can be made live again. There's cleaning and other work; but if you have patience, it can be recycled. Just the way limestone (which was LR eons ago) can be made into LR. In fact, it is now. Aquacultured LR is a fairly new, but growing industry.


I am with with campbell. I have only seen a few of the threads by angel and say a very big BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. If you have the coin for that display then you have a camera or even a phone that can take a picture. Sounds like wishful thinking of having that tank. If you want a tank like that you need to stop writing falsely about it and get out there and work like all of us did to get a display. If I see pics, I am the loser and will eat my words. I have seen posts of yours but show only show fantasy not reality. Please prove me wrong. Tim


Originally Posted by myerst22
I am with with campbell. I have only seen a few of the threads by angel and say a very big BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. If you have the coin for that display then you have a camera or even a phone that can take a picture. Sounds like wishful thinking of having that tank. If you want a tank like that you need to stop writing falsely about it and get out there and work like all of us did to get a display. If I see pics, I am the loser and will eat my words. I have seen posts of yours but show only show fantasy not reality. Please prove me wrong. Tim
Whoa dude... thats cold blooded!!! LOL - OK, I agree, I want to see the tank too...

Pictures Please... You post a picture of that cracked tank, and I will send you a brand new crispy $20 bill towards your new tank. And yes, Ill eat his words as well if you do.
its ok i put about 90 pounds of live rock in my 60 gal and the rest i sold it to a privite buyer..and only 13..i dont even have a phone to take and pics..and thers only 1 camera in my house which iz with my mom cuz she iz in romaina 4 1 month so i kno this sounds like a load of bull but wat can i say..i cant get pics now..i cum to this website to get help not to prove people rong..thank you to tel people who give me help and have a nice day and enjoy the hobby to the people who have notting better to do than give me no help and just disbelieve my situation


Active Member
I'd go to a Tractor Supply company or similar and buy their 300 gallon feeder that you can temporarily house all your rock and fish in. One of our local reefers is using one for similar purposes. They call it a Stock tank and it's $210


Originally Posted by angel-lover14
its ok i put about 90 pounds of live rock in my 60 gal and the rest i sold it to a privite buyer..and only 13..i dont even have a phone to take and pics..and thers only 1 camera in my house which iz with my mom cuz she iz in romaina 4 1 month so i kno this sounds like a load of bull but wat can i say..i cant get pics now..i cum to this website to get help not to prove people rong..thank you to tel people who give me help and have a nice day and enjoy the hobby to the people who have notting better to do than give me no help and just disbelieve my situation
Look, I understand really. When I come here to ask for help, the first thing everyone asks are "PRAMS". I used to not include the PRAMS because thats the first thing I check and I assumed that is PRAMS are normal, there has to be some other reason for my problem.
But what I realized is that they are asking for a reason, and more often than not, I am overlooking something. So, its not just that no-one believes you, but you have to throw people a bone or two once in a while. If I told my best friend, I had a purple elephant in my garage, his first comment is going to be something like, Cool... Lets see it. Not because he doesn't believe me, but because a purple elephant would be really cool. And If I constantly came up with a million reasons why we couldn't go into the garage, I am pretty sure he would think me full of crap at some point.
So you have to understand that A 13 year old with a 580, much less the responsibility of Managing something that expensive is a bit of a stretch for us. I am in the process of setting up a 220 for my third tank and I am more than overwhelmed with trying to get it right.
So if you want people to help, consider throwing folks a bone once in a while. Most people would be happy just to see a tank like that even if you are not having problems. If you can afford a tank like that, SOMEONE, you know, has some sort of camera that you can borrow for ten minutes. no?
On the other hand, If you don't actually have that tank, why come here and blow smoke up peoples.... @*&&#%. You are just wasting their time and you cant blame people for being a bit cynical towards you.
Take care...


Active Member
Uhhh guys I very much doubt that he bought the tank if he is 13 and looking at his typing I might say younger? I bet his parents bought it, if it is indeed real.
To the OP, I would say that you need to definitely get some pics up of this tank.
of course i didnt buy the 580..theres no way id have the thousands to buy and run a dad did..and no im not younger than 13 i waz born april 14 1995, and thx 4 the help SpiderWoman i think i might c if i can buy sumthing like that to use 4 now i just dont want to stress my fish buy moving my fish from tank to tank untill i can get a new 1..i found a new tank at this asian lfs close to my house and it looks pretty nice and its a good price too..its a 350 gal and it costs $2100 which iz not bad cuz my dad got my 580 4 a lot more..i saw a 600 gal which i wanted to get but my dad didnt want a big tank anymore cuz its too much of a pain with all the water 4 now im planing on getting the 350 that i saw i just hope i can get it and run it untill its mature enough soon..but 4 now all my fish r fine there all fat and theres no more agression..thx guys and ill let u kno when i get my 350 if i get it and ill let u guys know how my fish r doing..thx
theres 1 more thing i waz thinking of as a solution 4 now, i waz wondering if i could buy a kids inflateable pool, put it in my basement,and put my fish and rock and equipment in and use it as a tank untill i get a new tank cuz 4 like 50-100 bucks i could get a pretty big kids pool and put my fish just wondering iz this safe..has anyone ever did this be for?thx 4 the help