hey everybody, i know i haven't been on the bords in a while but i need some advice..heres my situation..its a long story but my dads friends were playing pool and the ball hit my 580 dt and cracked it bad..there waz a few dad stoped the leaks but eventuly it just broke and i had no choice but to put my fish in my 60 gal qt..luckly all the fish r fine but now i have 5 angels and 1 tang in a 60 gal qt and a 580 dt which iz cracked dad brought a guy to take a look at the 580 dt and he said it waz i had no choice but to sell it and now i have to get another tank but my parents r on a short buget now cuz my mom had to pay 100 grand 4 her school so basically i have to wait a while 4 a new tank..prob a few weeks..i do not want to return any of my fish to the stores i just want to kno if they can live 4 a few weeks in my 60 gal qt..luckily the fish r small so i dont think there should be too many problems untill then..i had two seprate a few fish due to mild fights..i divided the tank in one half i have a 3.5" Blue Angelfish Adult, 3" Naso Tang, and a 2.5" Emperor Angelfish Changing, and on the other half i have a 3" French Angelfish Changing, 3" Maculosus Angelfish Changing, and a little 2" Asfur Angelfish Juvenile..thanx 4 the help