How long do you let your salt mix age?


Active Member
I was wondering how long you all allow your freshly mixed saltwater to age before adding it to the tank?

nm reef

Active Member
I use a 12 gal rubber maid container with a heater and power head. I normally have it full all the time. Sometimes the water will be ready for up to a week before I use it...but I always let it circulate for at least 24-48 hours. Unless there is an emergency that demands the water be used sooner.:cool:


I just started a batch of new water on Tuesday and will be using it on Friday. I use a 29 gallon tank, MJ powerhead/w aeriator and a heater.
Odd thing about this batch, cracked open a brand new bucket of IO salt, mixed with water and got milk with bubbles on top, never had that happen before, in fact its still cloudy after two days, what gives? anyone have this happen before? Yes on RO water and Yes I cleaned the 29 tank before starting.


Active Member
Probably the IO salt...I used it wait...twice...
I make my water as I use it...always keep 64 gallons fresh RO/DI water...and 32 gallons salt....I have used the salt mix within minutes of mixing before..but only in extreme incidents...but the salt mix water is always heated to 78-79 prior to mixing...


I mix my saltwater in a big rubbermaid trash can w/ a heater and powerhead the let it age up to two weeks. I always like to have it ready, and my RO unit takes FOREVER to fill up.


For you people who use large 10 and 20 gallon buckets, how do you get the water from there to the tank? I purchased a 5 gallon bucket and found it to be tough. Could you fill a 5 gallon bucket with say 3 gallons of water, but add the same amount of salt that you would as if it were 5 gallons? Then when you pour the 3 gallons of mixed water in to the sump you add the other 2 gallons of non mixed water right on top of that, would that work? I live in an apartment and having a 10 or 20 gallon tub with water in it all the time isn't an option because of space. Thanks for any advice.


Active Member
I wouldn't do that. ;) What I normally do is mix up the new saltwater in a 30g rubbermaid container. Once the water is all mixed up, I use a powerhead. I attached a piece of hose or tubing to the powerhead and pump the new water into the tank.
I remove the old water from the tank via a vaccuum hose that hooks onto the faucet.


Thanks I guess I never thought about that. Do you just use like a MaxiJet? What size of hose?
PS: Why don't you give me a little help in that thread a few down. ;)


Active Member
I make a 5 gal bucket of RO water, add the salt, throw in a powerhead and let it mix for a couple of hours then check the salinty to make sure it is close. I usually like it a little under where it is supposed to be because it still desolves some more over time I then add it to the return chamber of my refugium where water spilling over the chamber wall continues to mix the un-disolved crystals slowly bringing the salinity up to where it is supposed to be. I measure salinity the next day and If it is a little low I add a little more salt to the return chamber if it is a little high I take out a little water and add some RO water to dilute it. So far I have been just about on target every time.


I have my RO unit in the garage and premix in a 40 gallon Rubbermaid trash can on casters. I have a 1/2" PVC siphon line that runs from my 175 to the garage and dumps into the slop sink. I just open the valve at the sink and 20 gallons will automatically come out then the siphon breaks at 20 gallons (marked the tank the first time then cut the pipe to suit the mark and erased the mark). Once the siphon breaks I hook the hose from the pump in the trash can and pump water back into the tank at a slower rate (so I don't get a dust storm) Never leaving the garage except to check on the tank.
I also mix up water for my other 3 tanks in the same trash can then siphon down into a 5 gal bucket and haul it back into the house where I have a hook on the wall to hang the buck. Then run the hose down into the aquarium. Whew! that took longer than the water change.


Active Member
I try for 48 or more of mixed and circulated with a ph but, I voted 12 -24 cause well, I'm just not that good at planning ahead so it usually ends up mix one evening, add the next.


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Does anyone think that problems can come from allowing the freshly mixed saltwater to age "too long"? I have had saltwater mixed up in a rubbermaid container for over a month before.


Active Member
Honestly- i let mine set for about 2 hours-
I mix, test salinity and then put a heater in with an airstone- wait till it is 80 and then change it out- never had a problem