How Long Does a butterfly live


New Member
I am wanting to purchase a couple of butterflies, of course intro them at the same time. I have plenty space my levels are all great. But my fish store says they won't carry them because they only live about 6 months. Is this true???


Active Member
Does this include the time spent as a catapiller? :thinking:
Sorry...... I'm tired... I really don't know. :D


Active Member
Depending on species, some live for many years if well cared for. Some public aquariums have specimens that are 10-15 years in their care.
If it's a new tank,(less than a year old) I would not consider one. Some are hardier than others. I've kept a few and currently have a black back going on three years in my 120.
They need stable mature systems, a good supply of live rock, a varied diet of meaty foods and no overly aggressive tankmates. Maintaining good water quality is also important.


They can live for more than 20 years theoretically, but the reality is a couple of years if you're dedicated to taking a good care of it. But, many buterfly last less than a few months.


Active Member
My guitar teacher kept a butterfly for a year and a half before he accidentally killed it (he never checked his water parameters...I'm really surprised it lasted that long). If he had checked them, I am sure the fish would have lived longer. :)
And bigarn was just making a harmless joke. I found it to be rather humorous.:D


Active Member

Originally posted by hewetton
They can live for more than 20 years theoretically, but the reality is a couple of years if you're dedicated to taking a good care of it. But, many buterfly last less than a few months.

Not really accurate here. In the right conditions, some can do very well in home aquaria. The ones that have a poor track record are those that primarily/exclusively feed on corals. These are collected and sold and will die within a few weeks. Others are not as picky and if offered a good diet and good water will live for several years. As with any fish, research into it's diet, spacial needs, compatability is key to maintaining it long term.


I think nictry pretty much "hit the nail on the head"...e.g. I 've had a "sunburst" butterfly in my 180 display (not that pretty of a fish but hell on aptasia) for over 2 years...

bang guy


Originally posted by katiebc
they won't carry them because they only live about 6 months. Is this true???

Typically they live less than a month. They are not easy to care for. If treated well in an appropriate environment they should live for decades. That's rarely the case though.
Be very picky when choosing a Butterfly and do your homework.


I have a longnose butterfly and it has done well for approx. 9 months. I keep this in a 180g FOWLR along with a powder brown tang and a very small clownfish. The butterfly grazes on rock all day and is very active. I try and maintain water changes once a week around 15%. I kept all fish in QT for 1 month before adding to display ..



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Typically they live less than a month. They are not easy to care for. If treated well in an appropriate environment they should live for decades. That's rarely the case though.
Be very picky when choosing a Butterfly and do your homework.

this is true that they wont live very long if they dont have the appropraite environmnet.
but i succesfuly had a yellow tang, auriga butterflyfish, yellow big long nose butterfly, and a rock beauty in a 75 for. there were 3 of the "most" difficult to keep for a long time. and i had them for more than a 13 month before i deside to go reef.
the only thing about butterfly and angel in my case was feeding. they are extremly picky, extremly. there were day that they will eat even flake. but there were day that they wont eat notthing else than Live Brinde shrimp, and my angel well i always had sponges for him to eat. they need a big big variaty of food, and the best is to feed them a couple time pero day with diferent type of food.
they also require good water lever and no stress. as well as tang, they are very susceptible to ich, and they are not very tolerant to copper treatment.
also a good tip to make them it, is not to have aggresive tankmate. if you are keeping butterfly make shure they feel at the same level as the other fish.