Just a "pinch" between the cheek and gum...
...I mean between the thumb and fore finger...
Just like you would if you had one or two "small" fish in there...
Once a day would be fine...
By adding a small amount of "food" (organics) each day, it will decompose and turn to a "small" amount of ammonia...
Which will in turn "feed" a small but growing population of bacteria that convert it to nitrIte...
The NitrIte level rises "slowly" will in turn "feed" a small but growing population of a different bacteria that will convert it to NitrAte...
At the end of (for example) 6 weeks you will have added 1 oz. of food gradually and the ammonia would have risen "gradually" (rather than "spike") NitrIte in turn would rise gradualy...,bacteria,...convert to nitrAte...etc...Levels never would have risen to "killing" levels (over .5 ) and LR will retain more Life...
In contrast if you put a 1 oz shrimp in there ammonia will "spike" to killing levels because of the "overabundance" of food (organic) and then "when" the bacteria did catch up it would produce an "overabundance" of NitrIte (another spike) and then to nitrAte...
In the end (after six weeks) you would end up with the same "cycled" level of life sustaining bacteria, but not have put your tank/LR through the "killing" peaks of a "shrimp" cycle...:yes: