How long have you been caring for saltwater aquariums?



Originally Posted by lil.guppy

Long expensive road...about 15-20 years off and on...mostly off during became more important during this period.
I started in 2002. I bought a 75g and had it going and a year later I bought a 110g. Both tanks were extremely under powered (in reference to the filtration -- the 75g had 2 Emperor HO filters, well underpowered lighting and a couple of powerheads) The tank had 30 lbs. of LR (way too little) and the tank eventually got out of control with me being away from home so much.
The 110g was live sand and that's it. I had a RIDICULOUS sized lionfish in there.
I broke and gave the tank to a couple of SW experienced people in 2004 and have been away since then.
But... as with anything addicting... I'm back.. smarter and richer to give the tank what it needs


Active Member
Originally Posted by keith burn
5 years, started with a free Domino Damsel in a 10gal.
I started with 40g loaded with freshwater mollies acclimated to saltwater, my wife picked up the tank and didn't realize they were in saltwater. She dumped them in a bucket of tap water
and brought them home. I setup the tank added wayyyy too much salt cant remember for sure but I think my SG was 1.15. I had been given a refractometer for checking antifreeze and they read in the tenths not the hundredths I kept thinking this is way more salt than the bucket says, took me until the bucket was empty to realize the refractometer was reading 1.15 instead of 1.015.

This forum and the rest of the internet has brought me a long ways since them.


uhm.... what not even two weeks lol! we do have about 10yrs of fresh water experience though