How many cleaners do you have???


Im just starting to stock my tank and was wondering how many cleaners/inverts people have in thier tanks?
So far i've got 10 in a 60 gallon.
Anyone else....


I know at one point I had about 100 astrea snails, 200 small to micro blue-legs, 7-10 emerald crabs, 10-12 peppermints, 2 lettuce nudibranchs, and a few scarlett hermits in my 55. You have to replenish them after a while cause they die, or get killed, or get eaten.


Active Member
I think I have about 50-60 Astrea snails and about 75 Cerith snails in my 120...I should double them up....Oh! I do have some emerald crabs too, I added 10 over the past year, I saw one yesterday so I know there's at least one.
Hermits tend to kill snails and each other plus their not the best cleanup critters. I wouldn't waste you cash on them.


About 20 Astrea, 20 Cerith, 10 Nassarious, 2 Fighting Conchs, 1 Mexican, 30 hermts (mostly scarlets), 2 Emeralds, 2 Peppermint, 1 Skunk Cleaner and 1 CBS all in a 92 gal reef.
My crabs are better behaved than the ones Golfish had, I have yet to see them kill a single healthy snail.. though should an Astrea fall on it's back... well, who could resist such a delicacy.

nm reef

Active Member
It is true that hermits(scarlets and/or blue legs) aren't the best clean-up crew members...and they do tend to fight amoungst themselves and will kill snails ...but I like the diversity they provide. I do replenish the populations a few times a year....but its a situation I can live with.I try to keep as much diversity as I possibly can...assorted snails and far its worked well for me.


You guys are like very heavily overloaded on cleaners, you shouldnt need that many. In my 55 I have 3 turbo snails and 2 sally lightfeet. I think I have 4 turbos and a few sand sifters in my 65. I have no problems with algae, in fact if I had more cleaners some of them would likely starve.


Active Member
yeah seems like most u guys have so many cleaners in your tank.
i have 10 hermits, 2 turbos, 4 astreas, 2 bumble bees, sally lightfoot, cleaner shrimp, 2 urchins they live with about 120lbs of live rock and seems to keep pretty clean.
is it necessary to have that many in ur cleaner crew?


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
You guys are like very heavily overloaded on cleaners, you shouldnt need that many. In my 55 I have 3 turbo snails and 2 sally lightfeet. I think I have 4 turbos and a few sand sifters in my 65. I have no problems with algae, in fact if I had more cleaners some of them would likely starve.

Thanks for your opinion


Its much cheaper and doesnt cost as many snails their lives if you just figure out why you have an algae problem in the first place, and if you need that many cleaners, you most definately have a problem. My advice is to save the money on a massive cleaner crew and get a bigger skimmer. When I say bigger, get one rated at approx. double your tank size. If your tank just started and you are worried about the brown algae bloom, dont panic as it goes away in a few weeks.


I like having as many as I do cause its amusing to watch them. I sell snails and hermits to a few of the customers I used to have at the LFS. I keep micros and smalls to get those hard to clean places in the rockwork.
Astrea snails are recommended at 2/gallon since they are small. I don't like big snails cause they knock everything over and move stuff around.
And as for sand sifting stars, I got rid of mine cause they end up eating all your life in the DSB. I have seen a boom in worms and critters in my sand since I got rid of the sifters. A couple of serpents do the trick just fine on the top of the sand.


Not to argue but Dr. Shimek and pretty much any other big name in the business will greatly disagree with the 2 per gallon. In a stable tank without problems that many snails will starve to death down the the number it really needs.

nm reef

Active Member
I do respect your opinion...and that of the good DR.
...and that of others in the hobby that preach excessive skimming and limited snails/crabs.
But...I believe the skimmer I use is more than adaquate....I have no algae problems at all...the last issue I had was a minor bout with bryopisis and a small issue with valonia.....the cleaners as you call them are intentionally added for minor sand shifting at the top layers....and for diversity.I'm also one of those that tends to feed on a very irregular schedule...sometimes small and then heavy....and the foods I offer prevent snails/crabs from starving. Bottom line is I enjoy the diversity...and they do provide benefits along with entertainment. Plus they can contribute to the lower levels of the food chain. Now...I agree...some folks like that asthetic/sterile look....but not me.....I like as much diversity as possible dispite what anybody else thinks or says......but by all means keep your corals in a pristine....heavily skimmed.....somewhat sterile environment if thats what you like....heck it works....but I just don't like that appearence myself.

....and also consider that there are numerous ways to establish and maintain a healthy/thriving reef matter what any Dr. has to say....many ways are available and truth is...many of them work just fine....even the dreaded and currently hounded DSB.....often times it simply comes down to individual desires and objectives....and skill levels.:thinking:


I have about 25 turbos, 3 larger snails (dont remember the names off hand sorry) 3 larger hermits, 3 scarlet (cant find anymore locally, and has that stupid minimum!) 15 blue legged, 3 emerald crabs (getting 3 more friday at lfs) and 1 coral banded shrimp.
I know it may seem like a lot to some people, but I agree with NM, I like to have them just because of the diversity. I enjoy watching all of the little guys. There is always something happening! They also get into the little areas and crevices around LR that I cant get a vacuum in (i have cc), especially the emeralds which is why I am getting more of those.
Plus, it seems the emeralds love to hang near the anemones, and they seem to enjoy the anemone's "poop" so thats two less areas of poop left behind to turn into water fouling material.


New Member
in my 50 gallon I've got:
2 emerald crabs
15 hermet crabs
10 turbo snail (about 30 babies ones the size of a pen head)
2 Camel Back Shrimp
1 Arrow Crab
1 Coral branded shrimp
80 Lbs of live rock


Active Member

Originally posted by Harlequin
Its much cheaper and doesnt cost as many snails their lives if you just figure out why you have an algae problem in the first place, and if you need that many cleaners, you most definately have a problem. My advice is to save the money on a massive cleaner crew and get a bigger skimmer. When I say bigger, get one rated at approx. double your tank size. If your tank just started and you are worried about the brown algae bloom, dont panic as it goes away in a few weeks.

slow down son...I use snails to eat detritus not alage.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....algae ain't the primary concern....many reef creatures generate a lot of waste and there needs to be some means of consuming it and/or removing it....good filtration can certainly help...but diversity can be a positive also. Plus...another consideration is whenever something dies...and its gonna happen....some creatures can make quick use of the carcass and prevent water chemistry problem right quick.
Bottom line is I see no reason to have concerns about a decent sized "clean-up" crew...they provide a function and add me at least they are a very positive addition and I keep a decent population around...and I add to them as needed.:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
It is true that hermits(scarlets and/or blue legs) aren't the best clean-up crew members...and they do tend to fight amoungst themselves and will kill snails ...but I like the diversity they provide. I do replenish the populations a few times a year....but its a situation I can live with.I try to keep as much diversity as I possibly can...assorted snails and far its worked well for me.

i agree with the diversity thing:yes:


Decent sized is good.-- I forgot to mention I have several 3 year old nassy snails and an old serpent star, (nassys I rarely see and the star I never really considered a cleaner). But the old 1 snail per gallon recommendation is bull. Its true that a couple turbos might not be enough for most people even though it works fine for me, but if you absolutely need that many (one or two per gallon) you are doing something wrong, that or you are simply buying into the vendor cleaner package propaganda they put out to sell more.
-Note that I said "absolutely need", if you just like having a bunch of snails running around, which I do(but dont have the algae to feed them) then you dont count into that.


I read a lot that you need the One-two per gallon deal but I'm way under this. I feel like I need a few more but nothing near this amount.
About the Algea verses Ditritus thimg. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you have way too much detritus then you'll have a potential algea problem since they will have a lot to feed on, so aren't both you guys right???
My main problem with the gallon to crew ratio is that it doesn't count LR and more important how many fish / detritus causing critters you have. Maybe if you have an "over stocked" tank then you need a larger crew to clean. Or if you have just started and only have a couple of fish then a large crew would surely die off and end up feeded each other like cannibals How sick. So that is my thought
And today since tomorrow I might become the head chef at my restaurant and I'm very happy/nervous I feel like guitar gay.:happy: