how many fish???


lets hear your opinions of HOW MANY FISH can be placed in a 90g saltwater FOWLR tank??? I have heard everything from 1 inch to 5 gallons all the way to 1 inch to 2 my 33g, a have a few tomato clowns (~4 inchs), a lawnmower blenny (4 inchs) and 4 various damsels (~9 inchs) for a total of 17inchs of fish in the 33g and it has been this way for about 7 months now with no probs...low nitrates and ammonia as what gives?!?!?!?:rolleyes:


Active Member
it really comes down to the types of fish, their temperment, and how large they will eventually get. also, some fish need a lot more room for swimming, (such as tangs and moorish idols), than others (such as clowns and gobies). 1 inch per 5 gallons is one of those "rules of thumb", just like say "5 watts per gallon". it's a little more complex than that. what do you want to put in your 90? maybe you'll get more help on these boards that way. are you looking to go aggressive? or do you want community fish?

bang guy


Originally posted by O.nerka
for a total of 17inchs of fish in the 33g and it has been this way for about 7 months now with no probs...

Tell me what you expect in 5 years when the pair of Tomatoes are each 4" (two will be killed by the dominant female), and each Damsel is 4 or 5 inches?
I can predict what will happen. Your tank will begin to have problems. You will post "My tank has been fine for years and now I have XXX problem".
Typically, people blame their sand bed.


actually no I wont have these fish anymore......because io was told these would be good beginner fish......