I just bought a 37 gallon fish tank and it is almost through it's cycle. These are the fish I'm thinking of getting:
1. Lion Fish
2. Naso Tang
3. 2 Clown fish
4 Bangaii Cardinalfish
is this too many?
You will need to scratch the first two completely. Both will be too large for a 37g. (Adult naso tang= 18 in.)
The clowns would do OK. I'm not sure whether or not all of your cardinals would get along. :thinking:
You will need to scratch the first two completely. Both will be too large for a 37g. (Adult naso tang= 18 in.)
The clowns would do OK. I'm not sure whether or not all of your cardinals would get along. :thinking:
Yup. What karajay said. You might try a pair of cardinals.
Hi Blkhawk! WELCOME!!!!!
I'd suggest starting with the pair of Clowns. A couple months later if everything is going well try a mated pair of Banggai.
After that if all is well try a clown goby, a Barnacle Blennie OR a pair of Neon Gobies.
That should do it
That's a stretch but it's possible. The fewer fish you have the fewer problems down the road.
Hold off on the Sixline for a loooong time. Make sure everything is stable and going very very well.
dont add your fish all at once wait and add them slowly but i dont think a naso tang will last long in a 37 i think minimum is like 125 gal for them good luck