how many fishes have you lost?


Not to dampen anybody's mood or spirit but seriously how many fishes have you lost over you career as a reefer? And in what time frame. 3 of my fishees have died in the past 2 weeks. All 3 perculas. One got stuck in a powerhead. The other two were wild caught and depite qting and treatment, the two past away from Brooklynelle.
Over the past 7 months. I have also lost a ocellaris which jumped out of the tank. Cowfish and bluetang=ick, flame angel=internal parasites.
As you can see, i am not happy with the numbers at all and in that amount of time frame.
Ive been pretty depressed about the last 3 lost and cant even concentrate on my school work I hope the next 7 months will bring me better luck.


I lost 2 perc clowns and a penny size boxfish since the start (about 7 months too) so I wanna stay away from perc clowns now.:( :(


just curious on how they died? Brooklynelle been expose to alot of the clownfishes stores get from LA. So i heard


One clown I believe it's caught with synide, so he never had a chance to survive after caught.
The other died because I had too little knowledge taking care of fish. I admit that I kill him :( :( .
As for the boxfish, I believe that poor guy got stuck in one of my LR when he was exploring it and never got back out. By the time I found out the next morning, his body was rolling along the sandbed like a dice already. I only had him for 2 days.
All these happened in my first month and since then I only lost 2 hermit crabs who got killed by a cleaner shrimp and another cleaner shrimp due to the power of the powerless filter.

sunken ship

So far i've been lucky reefing. I've had my tank for about 3 months and I have only lost 1 domino damsel during cycling.


i lost a koran angel a hawkfish, val puff, flame angel. copperband, and 2 yellow tangs all with in 5mths.


Active Member
Hi Guys, thought I would join this happy discussion! :(
I ahve probably lost 10 fish over a year, but that I put down to very bad LFS for 1)bad stock 2)bad advice. They say me and just saw £ ($!) in my eyes! However things are looking up now :D
Sadly a lot of us learn by our mistakes, but i think with this board we are lucky to have the opportunity to learn from other's mistakes or to seek advice we might otherwise not get.
I think the amount of fish we lose is testiment to the wonder of nature and man's often failed pursuit to recreate this. However hard we try, its not difficult to appreciate how absolutely awe inspiring nature is.
Tim ;)


Active Member
4 clowns
2 when a roommate spiled vodka into the trank and knocked the lights off and onto he back
2 when I went away for vacation and AC failed and the house got up to 109 degrees in my closed off attic room ..... stopped for a while - read some books - lurked on a bunch of baords and so far so good


Active Member
I've lost 3 in the past year.
firefish jumped.
My first fish a tomato clown died after a year, no idea why.
Yellow tang died in a rock slide after changeover to dsb and water was still cloudy and we didn't see it. - my stupidity
Starfish don't like my tank. - 2 have climbed out and 1 got holes in it and died, don't know why.


lost a yellow tang, a scotter bleney, a jawfish that jumped out of the tank, a clown that jumped out of the tank, a green chromis, and a sand-sifting star that disapeared. that is 6 specimens over a year. 1 every two months...but most were lost within the first 3 months


I started with a fish only tank and didnt have the best of luck losing fish, at one point I had my 100gallon fish only stocked with fish it was doing great for the longest time, Then I go on vacation for 4 days when I come everything is dead, heater failed and the tank dropped to the 60's...lesson learned always have two heaters.
now that I have made the switch to a reef I have only lost 3 fish in 7 months, two of which were during cycling. I really beleive the enviroment of the reef helps keep the fish healthy. Dont get too frustrated losing fish is just a sad part of this hobby.


Active Member
Died? well maybe , dissapeared yes, a few, my Neon dottyback :(
I miss him,perc clown, his mate now a widow,kole tang? and he was pretty big too, have not lost any for a while,tanks mates stable for now


Active Member
i started the saltwater hobby at 10 and am now 14 i lost numorous fish up until the time i was about 12 and 3/4 but know seem to be some what successful it takes time in my opinion how long have you been in the fish business?


started like a year ago and i only lost 1 fish, lawnmower blenny, probley cuz my tank wasnt cycled.....sorry little guy:( although ill probly lose more, im only 14 now its been a year, so i got a while b4 i can say that no fish have died in my 55 tank (the blenny was in the 10)


I have been in this hobby going on 5 years now! The first year that I got into it I did not research anything and did not know nothing about it, so I would buy anything and everything. I lost numerous fish. I began to think that this was getting expensive and I should probebly learn a little more before purchasing. I am happy to report that I have only lost 4 fish in four years since!


Active Member
1 Mandarin out of stupidity(newbie) 1 lion, 2 sabea clown, 1 boxfish, 1 firefish, and 2 shrimp all while I was deployed in afghanistan.


Active Member
1 condi= I kinda got mad at him when he ate my clown...oops
It's nobody's fault but your's for the anemone eating the clown. Condi's are predatory, and will eat fish. Did you think killing the anemone would bring the clown back? Geez.....:rolleyes:


I have to add my peace. I HAVE LOST EVERY FISH I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!! I have a bad pet store,(I didn't know that befor) all there fish have ich, (I didn't know that) so in trying to kill the ich I have killed them all! it was a slow thing, I was doing every thing I should to kill it, but my wife is cold all the time, I have the tank at 80 and then she got cold and turned the heat up to 90 and left for work, about 10am,,, when I got home,,,at 7pm,,, there was nothing I could do,,,,,,flush!!:mad: