Originally posted by sammystingray
The biggest problem is folks using 100 watt bulbs in rooms way too small for them. Some folks claim there is no need to even do bulb changes, but I disagree.
me too!
Originally posted by ReefNut
Bulb changes are the key to success!!!!
There is no need to ever change a light bulb if you keep it on a timed cycle of day/night.
Since first getting into this hobby I have been aclimating my lamps using a dimmer switch. I have found best results when aclimating them over a 1-3 hour period depending, of course, on what you're keeping in the room.
Originally posted by m.rogers
you don't need to spend all that money when you can just set up your tank in front of a window and let the sun do all the work.
sammy to funny
Really? No wonder I've been having problems. What kind of lights should I get?
PS - Used the wrong to. It should be too. Why are there three two's?
joesreefer- Awsome avator!! I have a shirt that shows a deer hunter up on a building roof loading a 300 Winmag smiling. Below the picture, it says in big green letters, "I LOVE A PARADE".. Tasteless, but I love the reactions I get from people, especially when there is a serial sniper on the loose.
I'm sure at some back a couple years ago I knew what NM was referring to with the dam, pond and beavers. I don't think I've changed my bulbs since this thread was started.
HAHAHAHAHA lolololololol man that was enlightening and funny at the same time. The real funny part is that its most likely true. This just goes to show that we as a society complain too much and have too much time on our hands.:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
Originally Posted by ReefNut
So when choosing a light bulb does size matter?
I've heard that size doesn't matter as long as you use it well, but have never been told first hand so you may disregard my input as not being well founded. Heresay is inadmissible, and therefore I request it be stricken from the records.
What kind of light bulb? oh I mean
what Kind of LIGHT BULB? opps.. I used capital letters!!
I love this new popcorn guy... gal.. face.. ***) ***) ***) ***) :happyfish
Originally Posted by Lesleybird
They missed one important point...............It takes at least a couple of dozen members to decide which type of light bulb to use to replace it! I mean really.......like are you sure that light bulb is the right degrees kelvin? The right spectrum? The right wattage????? I mean we really didn't get to discuss what was to go under that bulb! This bulb cannot be changed with out all this information. I would say it takes at least a couple of weeks and a whole bunch of us to even determine how to change a light bulb. Lesley
What about the CRI(Color Rendering Index)???
Gosh, a daylight bulb, lamp, torch wouldn't be daylight without a CRI of at least 93