How many lionfish?


google "fu manchu" lions. they are the most colorful lion you can get. they also get to 4" so you could fit 3 minimum in a 55 gallon tank if you have good filtration. or you can get 2 and just have smaller tankmates.


Active Member
Fu manchu liong get much bigger than 4 inches. They are considered a dwarf lion, but get to be about 6-8". You could definintly put him in a 55 though. Just an FYI thoguh, Lions are like dogs of the fishtank.... they eat alot and s*it alot too. If you put more than one in a tank, you might have a problem with water quality. I have a Dwarf lion as well in my 55. I was pissed though, b/c the week after i got him, my LFS got a FMC lion!!! grr.....


the fuzzy dwarf lions are easier to keep.the fu manchu lions are very picky eaters and unfortunatly wont live long in captivity,unless your lucky enough.good luck just do your best to get them off of live feeders and onto frozen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 46bfinga
the fuzzy dwarf lions are easier to keep.the fu manchu lions are very picky eaters and unfortunatly wont live long in captivity,unless your lucky enough.good luck just do your best to get them off of live feeders and onto frozen.

That is interesting, is it because of their feeding habits?? If one were to get them to eat frozen they would be okay though?
I think all lions are neat, the one I least like the look of is the fu manchu's, nothing against anyone who has one. I love to look at the pics of them but would not want one.
Does anyone know if my lion is a female for sure? I was told it was due to the amount of bars on the pectoral find but since it is young will it get more bars as it gets older and bigger???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
I think all lions are neat, the one I least like the look of is the fu manchu's, nothing against anyone who has one. I love to look at the pics of them but would not want one.
I think they look kewl..... but not as lion-esque as one would expect. I'm going to have to agree with Debbie on this one

A 55gallon however would be GREAT for a radiata or an antennata - these are both BEAUTIFUL - they'd make a striking centerpiece for a tank that size. Just remember, lionfish will eat anything that can in fit in their mouths, so be careful with your choices of tankmates!


Originally Posted by 46bfinga
the fuzzy dwarf lions are easier to keep.the fu manchu lions are very picky eaters and unfortunatly wont live long in captivity,unless your lucky enough.good luck just do your best to get them off of live feeders and onto frozen.
really? ive always seen 4" listed as the max. but yes they are harder to wean on to frozen food. someone on here had one and got it to eat frozen but that was a while ago


New Member
This is a hard decision. How long did it take you guys to choose and what were the main factors in your choice


Active Member
no ones answered the one about the clean-up crew! so ill do the honors lol... and yes you can keep them in there.. BUT it is taking a bit of a chance.. but its doable.. just hope they dont dissapear! and i say the antennata is best b/c it looks in my oppinion most like a volitan!


New Member
your right no one answered my other question-I would have forgotten:) Maybe I'll get lucky and they will be nice.


this is my lion i have had him for 2 years and he is in a 75 gallon love this fish hand fed silver sides and mysis shrimp and some times gulf shrimp


Originally Posted by pinkfish
yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to get a volitan (maybe next year) The dwarfs look so cute. Does anyone else have dwarfs? I still can't pick out of them.
I also have a fuzzy dwarf and he's funny as anything he's a BIG begger we can't walk by the tank without feeling like we're starving him.... He follows us around. Definitly not a lay around and do nothing til feeding time with him its ALWAYS feeding time HA!!! I love my fuzzy dwarf have never had any other kind though!
Oh and on the feeding note, I read a bunch of posts on here about dwarf fuzzies people couldn't get to eat. Mine sulked for about 4 days and all I was offering was frozen mysis since thats what my sharpnose puffer eats, and then all of a sudden the 4th night he was like a piglet just eating all of it... Had to put more in. He now and its been about a week or so eats flakes or anythign else I put in. We had Krill tonight, and he just goes nuts over everything offered so far!


Active Member
My fuzzy would not mysis shrimp but what I do now is I mix the brine shrimp with the mysis and feed it, it is all gone within seconds. I am going to mix the krill in with the brine too and get him eating that too. The more variety the merrier. Sure hope you get your lion eating soon, they are dandy fish.