How many tangs in a 90 gallon?


I was wondering if I bought a 90 how many tangs I would be able to put in there with them still being comfortable? I plan on getting a powder blue, powder brown, naso, yellow and pacific blue??? Please can anyone answer this question?


Originally Posted by luvmybizz
I was wondering if I bought a 90 how many tangs I would be able to put in there with them still being comfortable? I plan on getting a powder blue, powder brown, naso, yellow and pacific blue??? Please can anyone answer this question?
I have a Sailfin, Achilles, Blue Hippo, Powder Brown & P Blue in a 72g BF... so, they should be fine.
One detail... add all the Tangs you want first & leave the Powders for last. They tend to be VERY territorial (specifically the P. Blue) & would not accept other tangs after them...
Good luck with them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Siline
I have a Sailfin, Achilles, Blue Hippo, Powder Brown & P Blue in a 72g BF... so, they should be fine.

I don't mean to flame you but IMO that's a bit much. Just about everyone of those fish has the potential to grow to a foot long. There is no way that there would be enough algae for all of those tangs (as adults) to feed on, let alone swimming space.
Back to the OP. The only tangs that you could expect long-term success with in a 90gal would be the smaller Kole tang, or Tomini tang IMO.


Yea I just want like 5-6 tangs but didn't know if they would get crowded in there(I would be putting to false percs in there as well)...


Originally Posted by WangoTango
I don't mean to flame you but IMO that's a bit much. Just about everyone of those fish has the potential to grow to a foot long. There is no way that there would be enough algae for all of those tangs (as adults) to feed on, let alone swimming space.
Back to the OP. The only tangs that you could expect long-term success with in a 90gal would be the smaller Kole tang, or Tomini tang IMO.
Well there is a guy that is looking to sell a 125 for $250.00, it's just I think it will be alot more money(need bigger equipment)

bang guy

A 90 gallon tank will comfortably house 1 Tang. Not all Tangs will be OK in a 90 though, Kole, Yellow, and Purple will do OK but it's at the small side of what they need. Only one though and I'd recommend the Kole as having the best chance to thrive in a 90.


1 smaller tang wich I believe some of the them are in your list powders kole
they still are in the 10" range when full grown maybe 2 kole tangs they tend to max out at around 6-8"


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
A 90 gallon tank will comfortably house 1 Tang. Not all Tangs will be OK in a 90 though, Kole, Yellow, and Purple will do OK but it's at the small side of what they need. Only one though and I'd recommend the Kole as having the best chance to thrive in a 90.
Well I guess I would rather buy a bigger tank to house them and make the comfortable than to make them uncomfortable! I guess back to saving alittle more money!


remembermost will outgrow a 125 also but it is a 72" tank so they have a lot more swimming room

bang guy

Originally Posted by luvmybizz
I plan on getting a powder blue, powder brown, naso, yellow and pacific blue??? Please can anyone answer this question?
This stocking list is similar to what we have in the tank I maintain for a public zoo. It's a 560 gallon tank that's 12 feet long and the Tangs are actually slightly crowded.
My suggestion for you is to buy a nice tank and be happy with a single small Tang.

bang guy

Originally Posted by luvmybizz
How soon would they outgrow a 125?! Say I only put 2-3 in there?

Only 1 small Tang in a 125, sorry. You can do what you want with your tank but if you want long term success you won't try to keep more than one Tang in there.
Mnay people will tell you that it's OK to have multiple Tangs, especially fish stores. These are going to be the same people that tell you Tangs only live 5 or 6 years. If you do it right you will have a peaceful stress-free environment and your Tang should live 40 or 50 years. If you push it then you're going to have fights, aberant behaviour, and disease-prone fish.
It is your choice of course and you could get lucky.


Your going to have to throw a lot of seaweed in and algea so they all get enough food, its kind of cutting it close.


they will also fight if they are 2 close
I am cycling a 125 and am planning getting a kole and a Tomini Tang
but I am in research mode
will they outgrow bang?
sorry to hijack


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Only 1 small Tang in a 125, sorry. You can do what you want with your tank but if you want long term success you won't try to keep more than one Tang in there.
Many people will tell you that it's OK to have multiple Tangs, especially fish stores. These are going to be the same people that tell you Tangs only live 5 or 6 years. If you do it right you will have a peaceful stress-free environment and your Tang should live 40 or 50 years. If you push it then you're going to have fights, aberant behaviour, and disease-prone fish.
It is your choice of course and you could get lucky.
Nah that is why I come on this site is to learn from the people that actually are here to help me and not sell me stuff!


Originally Posted by markeo99
they will also fight if they are 2 close
I am cycling a 125 and am planning getting a kole and a Tomini Tang
but I am in research mode
will they outgrow bang?
sorry to hijack
No problem

bang guy

Originally Posted by markeo99
they will also fight if they are 2 close
I am cycling a 125 and am planning getting a kole and a Tomini Tang
but I am in research mode
will they outgrow bang?
sorry to hijack
The suitability of a Tang for a tank really doesn't have anything to do with the size of the Tang. It's the need for swimming space and territory. A 1" Sailfin Tang needs about as much space as a 12" Sailfin.
Kole Tangs don't require a lot of open water, they are more like Pygmy Angelfish.


Originally Posted by WangoTango
I don't mean to flame you but IMO that's a bit much. Just about everyone of those fish has the potential to grow to a foot long. There is no way that there would be enough algae for all of those tangs (as adults) to feed on, let alone swimming space.
Back to the OP. The only tangs that you could expect long-term success with in a 90gal would be the smaller Kole tang, or Tomini tang IMO.
I already have them for awhile now, and they seem to be allright...
BTW, they are NOT alone.. they are with a Coral beauty, a Foxface Rabbitfish & a Watcher goby...


it makes a big differance if you have a good lfs thats willing to trade when they get to big its just knowing when they get to big thats the issue