Hey there sw65galma and dogstar...any Tang ideas for a 215 gallon reef? What would YOU do Tang wise with a 72 inch long, 24 inch deep and 28 inch tall tank? I am transfering my 125 gallon reef into the 215 and have a blue hippo, blonde naso and yellow now...want to add a powder brown, then an atlantic blue and then maybe a powder blue LAST. But I'd also really like to have a few of the same fishy...like 4 yellows or 3 blue hippos...what do you recommend as my MAX for tangs in the 215?
current fishies that also occupy the 125 and will be moved to the 215:
2 false percs
diamond goby
lawnmower blenny
green mandarin dragonet
4 green chromis
4 blue reef chromis
3 yellow damsels
flame angel
(plus the blue hippo, yellow and blonde naso tangs)
Also, is the powder blue THAT bad of an idea? even if i add him last? would it make a difference if the blonde naso was of the 7 to 10 inch variety and the others were 5 to 6 inches and the powder blue was smaller? ive heard they are VERY teritorial and will just cause problems. I hope not though, cus i want my powder brown and powder blue! lol
so again, how would YOU stock it?
and do you guys have GOOD success with sailfins and yellows? I had a purple tang when i got the blue hippo and had to get rid of the purple. he did NOT like the hippo at all. with all the tangs ive mentioned, in what order would you add them?
thanks for the time folks!!