Okay - tank has been running 47 days now. 210 gal reef with a 45 gal sump tank, 2 quiet one 5000 pumps, 2 sea clone 100 skimmers, 6 maxi jet 1200 powerheads, magnum
canister filter with charcoal, 2 24" single bulb flourescents(for algae in sump), 2 72" VHO
flourescent light (160 watts each), 1 250 MH, exhuast fan, Titanium chiller, DIY stand & hood, timers, power strips, 200 lbs live rock, 160 lbs sand, 3 buckets instant ocean, various additives, Hagens Master test kit, plus copper test kit, Hydrometer, pinpoint pH monitor, various books, and finally lots of alcohol as a sedative! We kept a running total - now remember I started buying a tank set up from some one moving - but we have spent - $5,480.00 - without a single living creature in it. The amount of family time spent researching, planning, drawing, PLUMPING, electrical from main to 3 dedicated circuits, moving it, washing and curing live rock - ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!
A family endeavor that everyone love and takes part in! :happyfish