How much does your's Suck Up?


I am useing ESV B-Ionic and my Ca level is 300. I added 5ML, and my reading today were 300. So I added 10 ML today and will check level tomorrow.
How much Ca does your system suck up?
Maybe I should have bought the gallon jug


Checked levels today!
PH 8.3
Alk 2.2
Ca 300
added 20 ML
It just sucks it up!

My tank is 20 gallons and cycling.

doing 40% weekly water changes to bring in other levels to 0. ***)


maybe its bone dry, trying to see if i can get it to a saturation point?
with in a day or two! I am using regular sea salt for cycling. after cycling i am going for the reef salt, more good things in it. Plus i will get some more test kits for strontium, iodine, copper and Mag.


Active Member
Why are you adding Ca? It sounds like your tank is cycling so why are you adding additives? Something is out of whack here...


I am forming my opinion on thing that work and different levels and test that need to be done before I put any thing in my tank that is living. yes, my tank is cycling. yes i am adding Ca to rasie my levels. I am building a reef tank and doing reseach on different products that I will need to add to a reef so that all the fish, invert, and coral get the right supplements.

Ph 8.3
Alk 2.8
Ca 350
added 5 ML
I believe mag is not an issuse here, it is rare that it goes out of wack, and my level went up 50.


Active Member
Sounds like a great plan. My point was that during a cycle so much chemically is going on that I'm not sure you're going to accomplish what you are setting out to accomplish.
I like your thinking though... wish more people were that patient!


I got it to a saturation point with about 30 Ml then it started to increase. Going to back off and cycle the aquaium now.
I guess for me I needed to play with it a little now, and reseach the whole Ca/Alk/ph/mag with out live stock, so i know my levels and get the testing kits and supplements needed for my planned community.
Tank 20 gal.
Skimmer Aquac nano in two weks ?ghp
Skilter 250 / turned into refuge with cheato 200gph
Powerhead RIO 600 200gph
30 Lbs live rock
15 Lbs Agraonite/ 4 Lbs live sand from lfs
coralight 1 65 watt bule , 1 65 watt 10000k white = 6.5 watts per gal
1 100 watt heater
1 glass lid for jumpers
Reseaching fish, inverts and corals
90 gal in the works too!
Thank you 1journeymen for the help.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefRobert
Checked levels today!
PH 8.3
Alk 2.2
Ca 300
added 20 ML
It just sucks it up!

My tank is 20 gallons and cycling.

doing 40% weekly water changes to bring in other levels to 0. ***)

you should not be doing 40% water changes if you're cycling


Active Member
Water changes during a cycle don't bother me, but the glass lids is a "no-no" in my book. Gonna get the tank too hot and cut down on gas exchange. Plus the added maintenance of wiping them down is annoying.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Water changes during a cycle don't bother me, but the glass lids is a "no-no" in my book. Gonna get the tank too hot and cut down on gas exchange. Plus the added maintenance of wiping them down is annoying.
I think changes are fine but don't you think 40% seems a bit extreme