How much $$ have you dished out? (so far)


Ive only spent about $1,400 on a 45 FO, w/ 50 lbs LR, 210W PC's, BakPak, RO/DI, etc. About the only thing I dont have is a fuge or a canister. Maybe a few more $$ on fish and LR and thats about it for awhile I think.


hmmmmmmmmmm Id guess ahhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm you know the more i think the less i wanna talk about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prolly $3,000 within 8months


Active Member
3200 into the hobby in 2 years, 1200 into my 18 gallon reef. However, if you get good enough at it, you can turn it into profit or store credit, lol.


New Member
Hi all,
Things must be a little more expensive down here in Oz. My current tank (6'x2'x2') is about 12 months old and has cost me (including all hardware, livestock and rock etc.) about $10 000. Could have bought a small car for the same money or maybe flown around the world! But you still can't beat coming home after a hard day's work, settling back in a comfy chair with an icy cold beer in front of the tank....ahh the serenity! Now thats value for money!


Active Member
I stopped counting at three grand. The only difference between this bottomless pit and a boat is I have to put this money in the water instead of on it:D


Active Member
man i dont wanna even try to calculate what ive spent..... but im thinking its got to be around $5000 in 2 years ..... maybe more if i take into consideration all the different foods i use (8 different kinds!!!!) all the test kits and the chemicals for the filters all the saltwater calcium supplements..... o crap im just guna stop now....
i will never let myself look at my bank statements each month because i dont want to have a heart attack.....
let me think about whats in the tank right now....
$400 in LR
about $200 in fish right now.... not to mention the hundreds i have had before trying to figure out which kind go with what.... never had luck with angels didnt realize puffers and triggers didnt go with inverts.... many ive probably spent over $500 in fish ive traded back in due to non compatibility
probably like $500 in corals another $100 in anemoneas.... like $50 on inverts
just spent $450 on new lights and a new canopy to raise it higher to reduce heat....
lets see uv filter protein skimmer 2 fluval 404's timmers for the lights 3 different power strips ... lol i really wanted to keep going i could.....
i just bought a stinkin small shelf thingy to put next to the tank to hold all the chemicals and test kits since i couldnt fit them all under the stand anymore with the filters and electrical.....
this tank is basically my porsche carrera that i wanted lol.... thats y im actually gonna lay back on the tank its at a good state now and focus on my porsche for my christmas present

nm reef

Active Member
The wife figures I've spent around $7500-$10000 since SHE bought me a new 55 for Christmas in 1999...little did she know how expensive that gift would be!!!!
But...this year I'm probably going to make close to $250 a month taking care of other peoples the expense isn't so bad now.


I am over $7,000.00 and counting will be more next week if Idont stay out of those LFS.It worth every penny here is pic.



Throughout all my 5 years in the hobby and the 4 different tanks I would say Im at somewhere between 7,000-12,000
(Lets put it this way 3 years working at a LFS and about 80% of my paycheck went to my tank)


54# live rock - $380
180gal tank set up $1000
knowing that your friends will be so envious of your completed tank...priceless!
For everything else, there is fresh water. LOL.


HEY thats funny because I have been thinking of going FRESH WATER!!!
Have you guys seen the prices on these fish? They are sooooo cheap. LIke $1.50 a fish. That beats $50 t0 $80 for some dumb Flame Angel that will die in a week.
Im HOOKED, im getting some Albino Oscars for a couple of bucks and tell all my friends they are salt water Bass.


Heh, I do find it funny when people are looking at freshwater fish and are like "$8! Thats waay to much for a fish!"


I haden't thought about it... and I guess I really shouldn't have... :rolleyes:
I've only had my tank up for a few weeks, not even a month, and already I've spent 618 bucks on it.
I'm not even near done setting up my tank yet...
Things add up I guess.


Active Member
i think we are around 5000 grand by now for all the tanks. i try not to keep track anymore.
this is what i tell friends that are thinking about getting into salt water.
i tell them that if they can walk out to the street pull out a 100 dollar bill , ball it up , throw it into the street, Turn around and walk back into the house and not care then YES you should get into salt water. but if you cant afford to do that then STAY AWAY. lol
of course noone would really do that but to me its a good illustration for what you will do more then once in this hobby.


I think I'm sitting around the $500 mark right now. I just set up my first tank (week 1).
55gal tank and stand with setup package including basic filtration, salt, test kit, standard lighting. 40 lbs of regular sand.. 30-40 lbs of lr... and 6 damsels. Much, much more to come though! It's a blast!


WOW, you guys are spendin some cash!!!
I currently have my 25 Tall...which initially cost me/roommates $400 for tank/filter/light/CC substrate/heater/lack rock/misc junk. I lucked out and left that apt. with the tank/inhabitants.
I have since spent an unknown amount on fish, inverts, live rock, salt, test kits, auto feeder, new heater, etc.
I am in the process of putting together my 75 Gallon upgrade.
Purchased so far:
$180 Tank /Megaflow Overflow (drilled)
$75 DIY Stand
$210 Coralife Lunar Aqualight
$60 Mag 700 Return Pump
$525 Total
Plan on Purchasing:
$165 AquaC Urchin In-Sump /w pump
$50 Sand/Live Sand Substrate + Rock Pool Bottom Crude (for fuge)
$50 DIY Canopy for lighting
$40 Salt
$20 Glass for Baffles (for 20G Sump/Fuge)
Planned Equipment Total: ~ $850
I have spent a lot of time researching and price hunting to find the best prices, without skimping on quality where it is needed. I don't agree that this hobby has to be a complete money pit. You just need to be smart about purchases.
$$$ More Live Rock
$$$ More Fish, Inverts, & Corals
To me, priceless...