How much have you spent on your reef?


Active Member
This is a dangerous thread, I hope all of you realize the information contained in this thread can and will be used against you in divorce proceedings

That being said my 46 reef is at about $2,000, and I still need to upgrade the lighting, my 220 F/O is about $3,000. I am convinced one of the pumps in those systems is connected to my wallet.
Good day to all


After reading all of these I feel really good! I have spent around $1200 in the past 2 years on 2 55 gallon and 1 12 cube tanks. All were used and or traded for. I use the first tank to raise and sell/trade frags so my cost is getting lower everyday and soon the coral will be ready to frag in the 2nd tank.


Originally Posted by janastasio
Wow, nice tanks grumpygils. Thats why the hobby is addicting. It has to get bigger and better! I've spent about $5000 in 2 years, maybe more, not including electricity bill. MY husband says my SW tank was the start of our money woes! He isnt thinking about the pool table, kegarater, and other endless games in the basement that were added around the same time!!! I play the coral/fish for me, lighted beer sign for you, game!!!!!
And then when he's not looking buy something else anyway!! He'll be looking in the tank and say is that a new coral, and I'll say nooooo, that been there!!!!!
ROFLMAO!!! Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one. My husband's hobby is our wolf dog, who has cost us plenty but funny how that never comes up. Unfortunately, my tank is only 6 mos old so he does notice anything new still. Doesn't stop me from trying to sneek something else in there though.... LOL! My 29g is probably around $800, so far! It doesn't take long, does it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Princess8077
Makes me sick to even think about it! I'm addicted tho, so I guess it's like any other addiction - - - Gotta have it!

IMO you should do what makes you happy regardless of cost.


Active Member
Nice setup and pics Grumpygils. sound just like my wife, except she does that with clothes. She SWEARS that she's had this/that for months or years. I knew I wasn't crazy afterall. Women really do this stuff


Active Member
I'm probably in for around 3K on my 75 reef and I havent even bought any expensive corals yet! Nothing over $45 in there yet...


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Nice setup and pics Grumpygils. sound just like my wife, except she does that with clothes. She SWEARS that she's had this/that for months or years. I knew I wasn't crazy afterall. Women really do this stuff

Thanks. Come buy some frags....I am in Holly Springs

al mc

Active Member
To borrow from the visa commercials:
Cost of renovations to put a built into the wall complete reef set up

Cost of the refugium in the basement and 'water making equipment', recirculating skimmer, etc.

Cost of the whole house back up generator $11,000

Time spent enjoying the hobby with my equally obsessed daughter: Priceless


I have spent over 1,000 dollars and not even set my tank up yet) Do not want to think about what im going to spend in the next few years...)


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Thanks. Come buy some frags....I am in Holly Springs

grumpygils...check your PM.


i have an 80g long so far its run me around $800 and still needs more rock probally another 50lbs. i figure atleast when you blow money on a tank you can still see it rather then when you just blow money on eating out, going to the movies, etc.


Active Member
my current set-up running as is, is about 4k .. then there are all the " extra" stuff everywhere .. then there is livestock... that i havnt included... i saved a lot of $$ DIY a lot of stuff..



Active Member
Here is what I have spent so far:
180 and all setup + Live rock = $4500
20G Nano = $300
55g = $200
35g = Free
Misc. Equipment = $1000
Too much to list = ~$2000 (180g) + $600 (nano)
Livestock (Fish)
Emperor Angel = $100
Blueface Angel = $220
French Angel = $110
Queen Angel 1 = $135
Queen Angel 2 = $135
Queen Angel 3 = $135
Niger Trigger = $12
Clown Trigger = $75
Blueline Trigger = $100
Hippo Tang = $85
Naso Tang = $60
2 x Bartlet Anthias = $70
6 x Blue/Green Chromis = $36
Porcupine Puffer = $35
Powder Blue Tang = $65
Bucket of Salt once a month = $55 x 48 = $2640
Food and other = ~$1000
All in all I come in around ~14K. Would I trade it for the world?? NO WAY!
Am I planning on spending A LOT more....HELL YES!!!


Active Member
No way will I start adding it up.
I will have to admit it then.
My 240 gallon that is still sitting on the porch cost me $1500 so far, but that includes the cabnet(I will have to add trim and paint), sump/fuge, 200lbs base rock. Does not include electritian putting in new breaker, carpenter doing patch work after elctrician is done, new pump, skimmer, lights, LS, more LR, power heads, and livestock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Princess8077
Makes me sick to even think about it! I'm addicted tho, so I guess it's like any other addiction - - - Gotta have it!

well minus the sexual acts for money to get aquariam supplies LOL


My 210 has been up and running just over 2 years, added 1/2 hp chiller,
through the wall plumbing, new suspended lighting instead of canopy,
livestock of course, addatives, cleaning supplies, replacement bulbs, and
a whole lot of love. Rather than print a number up there just suffice to say around $75 - 85.00 / gallon would put you in the basic ballpark.
This hobby is addictive and requires creative financing as well as a spouse
who either understands or has equally dark spending habits which are best
kept to themselves. Spousal support is moral not financial and thank God we both work!!!!!!