How much have you spent on your reef?


Active Member
I had a greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat deal on a 60 gallon fish tank. it was 2 years old and came with 700 watts of lighting a sump. protein skimmer, 3 fish, 30lbs of live rock, chemicals, lots of hermit crabs. and the best fish food ever! All this for just $300!
. The lighting itself is worth more than the entire tank.
Any ways all my tanks put togehter I probly spent about $850. The 30 gallon tank was used as a saltwater tank for 3 years. Then tuned to a fresh water tank. then on march 2007, thats when my tank was born!


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
well minus the sexual acts for money to get aquariam supplies LOL

lol, someones gonna take that the wrong way...


i bought my 72gallon 10 year established reef for $150 the guy just wanted out but since then ive added a few things so far about $400 in stuff but i work at a pet store so i dont pay full price for my stuff


Active Member
Originally Posted by dragonboy
I think you can't really put a price on owning piece of the ocean in your own home hehehe....
This is the best quote ever! I think it needs to be put on a bumper sticker.