How much have you spent?$$$


Just curious to see how much some of you have spent to see if you are as crazy as I am. I have a 37 reef with all the fixins and over 20 corals and anemones as well as 4 fish. I think I have spent over $2,500. How about you, It's confession time.
ps I think I'm going to try and get a 125


New Member
Well two tanks. 90 reef and 180 reef that are currently up and running. Well over 8,000! No '68 mustang for me


More than my car...less than the boat, and I just laugh when people ask me if it costs a lot to keep my Great Dane :)


i just started not too long ago and i just have a little tank but if i didnt have to pay bills all my money would go to a really nice tank :D
We have a 75 reef and 30 predator. The 75 has about 35-40 corals, 6 fish, the list goes on and on. On average we've probably spent about 4000. (thats just a rough guess, never really added it up lately)


Active Member
not sure, didn't track much with the 40 gallon, but the 75 is at least 1500 and no wher near finished


With all of mine and the one im working on now? Geese i hope my wife don't see this!!! Lets just say more than my truck not much less than both our vehicles. But i love it so.


Too much (or at least that's what my girlfriend would say!) :D
I'm sure in the past 4 months I've spent in excess of $ know you never really realize how much you spend until you give it some thought. This hobby aint cheap! :eek:


I'm getting off cheap. Off the top of My head I can only tally up about a grand on my little 20 gallon with no sump. But I aint finished Yet!

kung fu

Well I too am just starting out...(just began cycling my tank last week) but at this point I'm well over $2600...
Yeesh...and that's without any livestock!!!
(But wow...I'm having a ball...)


Way to much on my main tank, but on my 7-gal nano-reef, about $140 with no livestock yet. Thank goodness for the main tank to stock the nano. I still need a thermometer and a powerhead for it though. I am fortunate though, my wife does not complain. I can use what money is left over after paying the bills, food, etc. (like there is any ever left over!!)
i've owned my 125 tank for 12+ years, and now am in the process of restarting as a reef. my costs (not including tank/pumps)are nearing $350-400 for lighting, salt, 3 damsels. i purchased the lighting (icecap 660 used, works fine) and the lady i purchased it from threw in 5 more Rio pumps and several more supplements for a total cost of $220.(score!!!) this has helped to keep the costs down, but my next mission is to acquire the live rock on the discount. :D and i definitely agree with Olim. if i didn't have to do the bills and feed the children 1st, i would have a really cool setup. :rolleyes:
150 gal,halides, chiller, vho, med. grade ro/di, tank built into wall, premium live rock, live sand, livestock. Well over $7000.00


I think I'm into my 75 gal about 3 grand. Just got VHO's to add to the PC's, so there's a couple hundred more. I'm building a refugium soon, at least another hundred there(probably more). It's never finished, but it's getting nicer every week :D
My relatives have stopped trying to shop for me on birthdays and holidays, they just give me cash or gift certificates to the LFS. I never thought I'd be this deep(pun intended) in the hobby, but it's worth it.


I have a 120gal, a 90gal, and 75gal. All reef tanks. I have spent between 15-20K (on the big stuff). I have no idea how much it would be if I added all of the salt, calcium, bulbs, etc.


In the past 5 yrs about 75,000.00 on reef tanks and fish total. I just spent 10,856.29 out of my bnk account to start a 440g reef and the fish to go in it(kept in other tanks until tank finishes cycling) and i have'nt thought about coral purchases yet! Here's the breakdown.
440g tank -$1750.00
home built stand & canopy
180g refugium - previous tank
9-400w MH Ballasts - $1160.55
9-400w 6.5k MH Bulbs - $521.55
4-4.68" Cooling Fans - $184.16
9-Digital Timers - $539.55
1-Berlin XL Skimmer - $225.00
5-Rio 3100 powerheads - $299.75
4-Powersweep 226 Powerheads - $95.80
1-Eheim 1250 Hobby Pump - $65.72
2-Wavemaster pros - $258.13
1-Natural Wave Timer - $54.95
1/3hp Power Cooler chiller - $765.00
5-Rena Cal Top light Excel heater 300w - $129.76
9-200g Buckets IO salt mix - $314.55
580lbs. LR - $2378.05 (main tank)
176lbs. LS - $179.96
310lbs. Figi Pink Caribsea sand - $350.00
My own clean-up crew - $719.00
200 Scarlett Reef Hermits
100 Blue Hermits
200 Turbo Snails
100 empty hermit shells (various sizes)
16 Sally Lightfoot Crabs
30 Emerald Crabs
12 Serpent stars
12 Brittle stars
6 Flame Scallops
9 Feather Dusters
4 Cleaner shrimp
5 Mysis shrimp cultures
10 Copepod cultures
1 pair Flame Hawks - $46
3 red-head gobies - $54
3 yellow-headed jawfish - $57
1 watchman goby - $16
4 pajama cardinals - $36
1 pair Tank Raised Cinnamon Clowns - $36
1 Potters Angel - $34
1 Multicolor Angel - $169
1 Midnight Angel - $16
1 Royal Gramma - $9.00
1 Copperband butterfly (Aust.)- $39
5 Pink Smith Damsels - $25
6 Blue-Green Chromis - $24
1 Convict Tang - $16
1 Black Longnose tang - $279 (my favorite)
2 Marine Betta - $59.00
And thats not the end of this tank yet!


Active Member
My girlfiend is in the room so I must refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it would incriminate me.
As Mick Jagger said best - You can't always get what ya want .. but if ya try sometime .. ya jus might find ... ya get what ya need !!
;) Brian ;)


I'm at $1100 i think and the first credit card bill hasnt shown up for everything. I keep praying Visa will select me as the one they pay the bill for a month!