How much $ is in your NANO ?


Active Member
Those of you with counter enumerations are forgetting alot of the details. Anyone calculate what they spent on electricity? Fish food? Replacement air stones? Cleaning supplies? Charcoal?
The startup cost seems to be what most people are looking at, but you really need to consider the ongoing costs as well when making a budget for your tank.
I agree that number seems a bit huge, but unless you're going to contest individual overcharges, or give us your own by the penny accounting of a year's worth of aquarium costs, the arguments don't hold water.


yea i can see $5k on a tank for the yr. i probly about that. i got to lfs that are 2-3hrs away. i lost $300 in fish one month(due to mixing meds). learned my lesson on medicating my fish. but think at 2 bucks a gal i drive 200 miles one way. plus tolls. then i would get there and spend $200 on corals and crap!! upgrading my lights, used some old ones and some i couldnt. glass for the top, then i took it off. wet dry, took out the bio balls and put in live rock. salt for water changes( i dont do that many,maybe once every 2 months lol. replacement bulbs. test kits, buying better test kits. gettitng more test kits. ro water. then a ro filter. buckets, hose. all the little things that u dont think of. filter pads. then theirs food, frozen,flake,zooplanton for corals. mag floats,glass cleaners. power strips, books. everything ever spend on the hobby in a year i think he means. after i thought about it, i take trips to fish store about 2-3 times a month. and im goin to an aquarium tomorrow in camdon nj. they just remodeled. they have a 40ft walk through tunnel. i cant wait. im not sure if that counts but im still learning about reefs. and im stopping in philly for a fish store, in probly goin to buy stuff. especially after goin to the aquarium and seeing all those nice corals and fish. i admit some things on the list are high. but i have seen turbos for $7 around me, i didnt buy them and im not ever going back to that store but.. so $5k its possible, i wounldnt. i would get a bigger tank. i have a 55gal reef, so i frag my corals for my 10gal sea horse tank. but im sure he did it without knowing. overtime i mean.


Originally Posted by Superhero
:scared: :scared: :scared: you spent over 3 grand on 3 fish and i havent even spent that much and set up a sucessful 150 reef!!! YIKES!!!!! well , whatever floats ur boat whether it be 3000 for 3 fish or 3000 for a 150 gallon tank??? I dunno
Its a little thing called saracasm, i hope


Originally Posted by avbryce1
button polyps 40$
zoas #1 50$
green fussy shrooms 45$
yellow polyps 30$
xenia 55$
green lobo 45$
zoas #2 65$
zoas#3 65$
zoas#4 65$
frogspawn 75$
multi rock 120$
clam 60$
and thats rounding down
fish and cleanup.....
1 firefish 25$
1 yellow watchman goby 30$
1 cleaner shrimp 25$
2 sexys - 20$ ea= 40$
10 blue leg hermits - 2$ ea = 20$
2 scarlett hermits - 7$ ea = 14$
2 emerald crabs - 10$ ea = 20$
1 electric blue hermit 15$
1 halloween hermit 15$
4 mexican turbos - 7$ ea =28$
6 bumblebee snails - 4$ ea = 24$
thats 971$ not counting livestock that I've lost
:scared: :scared: :scared: how did u cram that into a 10g tank!!!!!!!
:eek: :eek: i NEED to see a pic


hres my 10g
10g tank $15
Coralife compact flourecsent light $40
20x7 glass canopey $12
skilter filter/protein skimmer $36
two bags ulltra reef sand $20
10lb tonga fully cured live rock $45
profile 1000 air pump, 8' tubing, bubble wall $15
heater $15
10g already made boxed saltwater $20
adds, and tests are on the way, and i used to have a hydrometer, but it broke, gettin new one.
hmmm... only $208 dollars so far :thinking:


wow this thread has really taken off I havent been on in a while due to me getting married last saturday.
I'm glad to see that some people see my side of it ( dskidmore, jobob)
I just want to clarify a few things:
I dident start this thread to try and prove anything, I just got bored and started estimating and calculating what I have spent on my tank in the past year and I was shocked myself to reach a number so large.
I always see threads started on the cost of a nano, and people are always replying with bottom dollar figures. I just think that people should know that just because its a nano does not mean that its cheap, and nanos can still get pretty pricey.
my nano was my first attempt at keeping saltwater and it continues to be a great learning experience. when I started my nano I already knew that I wanted a bigger tank and I could have bought one then, but after reading from quite a few different sources about how much more difficult nano tanks are to maintain I thought that if I can keep a successfull nano than I will have a leg up on maintaining a larger system...oops I kinda got off track for a second
all I'm saying Is that to have a nano with all the color and diversity that most people see in their minds when imagining
what they want their tank to look like it will end up costing you much more than 500 dollars in the long run


true, nano tanks are usually for people who dont have a place to put a large tank, and congldgulations on getting married


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
and just think i got my super sweat pants for only $5.95 at walmart. BANK!



Active Member
Originally Posted by avbryce1
nope not quite I've lost 2 false percs 1 damsel 2 royal grammas a couple of blue leg hermits and one electric blue hermit
the only coral I have lost is a monti digi frag I got for 15$
I'm shure there are plenty of other people that have lost alot more livestock than that in their first year of keeping a saltwater tank

HOLY CRAP you have killed a lot of fish in your first year. In my 1.5 years of reef and fish keeping I haven't lost a single fish.


Originally Posted by Jer4916
and just think i got my super sweat pants for only $5.95 at walmart. BANK!
Man You got them super Cheap!!!! I bought some and they set me back $265.00, but mine are guaranteed to attract women!!!!! and glow in the dark.


Active Member
i wish my pants would glow in the dark. I use my computer to meet women :) ..hehe i bring it out with me and show off its features....x bright screen, dvd burner etc...i gets um hot and heavy.
hahaha :)


Nice Tank, And I don't want to be negative but you should research alittle more on the prices that your getting. But if you are happy with the end result of the money that you spent then more power to you!! Thats all that matters. Peace :happyfish


I agree, I know everyone has been bashing on you, but your tank looks great. Pay whatever you want to pay because that's no one elses business. It's a hobby and all about the fun of the hobby. What kind of lighting do you have on that little tank though. What kind of calcium products do you add?


1. Stop buying the $2000 coral for of IEBI
2. I have some ocean front property in AZ that I would like you to take a look at, its a great deal.
I admit that I have lost $1200 retail in fish in the last six months (not what I paid), but my 125, 29 and a 72 FW have not cost me $2500.
I have a friend with a 600+ gallon custom made built-in tank with everything imaginable that did not cost him $5100.
You could have order almost all of that off of this site for under $1500??????
I am sorry, but your tank does not look that good at all. I can go to AW in KC and get that entire set up for a $1000 at that absolute most. The reason I know this is I forwarded this to the owner and that was his response.
I am calling bull$#(t on this post.
For $5100......can't continue without getting banned.....