How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium


volitan, I TOTTALY AGREE! i live in OTTAWA (canadas capital) so thera re about 4 good fish stores here! and well high paying jobs do exist her i ottawa just like the states! (no offense volitan! :) ) but MAN_ YOU GUYS ARE LIKE SPEND SPEND SPEND! well when i put over a thousand dollars thats only for a 40 gall with lr and 2 clowns. the 2 clowns alone ran me up a bill over over 65$$$$$$!!!!!!!!! you guys are soo lucky. her in canada you have to be a devout fish lover to spend like we do! id like to see u come do it! its crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy! mr.salt was telling me how good it was that they made the PRIZM protin skimmer for under a hundred dollar (no offenser MR>SALTY I HAVE ALL RESPECT) but her in canada its gonna cost me an average price of 199.99$$$$$$$$$$ and thats BEFORE our stupid 15% yes i said.. 15% tax. ha am i gonna go poor soon. give it a thought u got it easy!
ps ( god bless america with whats all goin on go get em! ;) ;) )
flame :D
any responses????? :rolleyes:
ps- volitan--- my local marine store is less than 10 mins! sorry for your troubles i cant believ we cant order from this site!!! ARGGG her admin??? ARGGG! :) just kiddin but you would make ALOT if u delivered to canada. even with conversion its cheaper for us $$$$$$ hint hint ;)


wow.. flameangel and the other kid in the other country have it rough.
Now for who ever started the post, I have tried to be thrifty... but smart. Hope I don't sound cheep but I shopped around for a month for all my equipment (and I am still in beginging stages) .. having said all that I have a 30 gal tank, 2 clowns, some critters, a good filter with protein skimmer, and 50/50 lighting... A little over $300


Active Member
Geez, you could have asked something easier.
With all the upgrading on lights, filters, uv lights, skimmers, corals and fish, ls, lr, the orginal cc, fish, and coral plus both tanks a 72gal bow front and a 200 gal.
I couldn't even start to figure out how much.
We don't really care how much it cost though, we get so much enjoyment out of them.
The way I look at it is, we don't take long trips(we we're planning a trip to FL for Jan. but I think in light of everything going on right now, it will be postponed) or have to many other hobbys(I collect native american stuff, fixit collects knives and coins)why not spend our money on something we really enjoy, as long as the bills are paid. Lisa :D


450 in lr
250 for tank and lights
209 for skimmer
50 or filter
about 100 for fish
80 for cleaning crew
80 for cc and salt
alot for labor
stand was free
70 test kit
electric is alot
That for my 75 gallon, 5 gallon has about 100-120 total
food is about 50 since i entered the hobby


All I have to say is WOW!!! its amazing how much traffic this post has create, and how much people love their hobby. This is such an amazing thing to do, I mean you creating an ocean in your house. Its a lot of fun and really relaxing.
Thanks to all for posting it has been really fun reading all of your stories. And my sympathy to our Canadian friends who can't get good prices and a lot of knowledge close to them.
Later :D


between my two tanks I could have purchased a month vacation in Australia and dove with the fishies!


Active Member
Just to set up.
Had a tank, stand and hood
150 lr
60 ls
40 lights
15 salt
then comes fish, corels, inverts. 300
diy hood, pluming, and pump. 170
not to include food, additives, meds
diy saved me a bundle. :D :eek:


New Member
It's crazy crazy crazy but......nothing beats the satisfaction when your able to step back and enjoy your accomplishment by having a small piece of the sea's beauty in your livingroom.
About 3K into it so far.
80 gal glass
wet dry
Prizm protein skimmer
Mag 350 canister
2 175w metal Hal's
2 40w flo's
100 lb live rock (not done yet)
crushed coral (would of done sand but too late)


I have spent near 2000 in the last 2 years.
175 Gallon Tank, with stand, sump, lights--650 (only 1 year old when bought used)
New lights bulbs=90
New Skimmer w/ pump=180
UV w/ pump=180
40 lbs. live rock=200
Dead fish--400+ (stocked them too fast, didn't learn compatablity)
Changed my 50 Gallon fresh to salt---- Who know's how much it cost me.
Oh well, it is a hobby that I love!


Good topic, just don't show it to the significant others... I haven't added up all my receipts but I am guessing around 12 grand or so. Lots more expensive than I ever imagined.
240 gallon, custom oak stand and canopy (2nd canopy - 1st wasn't tall enought for metal halides)
two skimmers, refugium, 3 250w metal halides, 400w pc's
countless pumps, big and little
sand, rock, detrivore kits.....and the list goes on and on and on...


I personally think that we all got problems.......
For what I make and for as much as I put into my tank I should have no business doing this, O'well, its all good.
I have a 180 and I have roughly $4200 thats without Live rock and without fish!!!!
I hope I get rich soon.........


45 gallon tank and stand-$350
(Latest) lighting upgrade w/hood-$500
Fish (living and dead)-$300
Upgraded equipment (skimmer, DI unit, PH's, filter)-$350
Clean-up crew-$100
Adding food and additives--Total of about $2500!
We should all feel pretty good about ourselves!! Think about the fabulous job we're doing bolstering those consumer spending levels, improving median income (of lfs store owners, at least!), and increasing the Gross National Product!!:D :D
Okay, so the enjoyment far outweighs the economic considerations......;)

sal t. nutz

Well I got my 300 gallon with tank, stand, canopy, UV, Skimmer, Iwaki pump WMD70RLT, and Little giant pump 1280 gph, 40 gallon wet/dry, and an automatic fish feeder all for $1000. But it was in bad shape and have spent nearly another $400 to fix it up.