How Much Should I Feed My Fish?


Hi Guys. I've had my foxface for over a month now and he seems to be doing great. I feed him seaweed selects, plankton, and brine. I'm having a hard time deciding how much seaweed selects to feed him. Whenever I leave a piece in a clip he just keeps working on it till it's gone. I thought these guys like to constantly graze on algae but i'm worried that I will be over feeding him if I always keep the seaweed in there. He even has a pot belly! I have a few pieces of live rock in the tank with some hair algae on them but he doesn't seem very interested in that. Any suggestions? Thanks. ;)


I have 2 tangs. One naso, one Ocean. I was giving them the seaweed daily. I thought it was to much. I had a lot of waste, you know how bad that is. I give it to them once a week as a treat. Mine will not touch the hair algae either. I pull it off by hand. I feed them a pinch of flake in the morning, and a pinch of flake in the evening along with their frozen. Hope this helps.


I have a Regal Tang, Coral Beauty, and a Blue spot puffer that likes to eat seaweed selects. Like you I put some in everyday when the lights turn on and take it out at about 6pm. So they only have it for about six hours. Sometimes they eat it all, sometimes they don't. I feed about 1/4 of a full sheet. Maybe just try to cut down a little if he is too much of a pig. But I know that they do need greens in their diet.

nm reef

Active Member
I feed my yellow tang about the same as shel.......every 3rd day I put some on the clip in the morning.......remove whats left if any in the evening.......soak it in zoe for about 10-15 minutes first.......normally he'll nibble all day and there is barely any left when removed


New Member
Wow, so here is my tank
30gallon extra tall l24xw12xh24
I have one 80lbs of live rock
1 4stage canaster filter with filled with over 30lbs of rubble rock
built in 9watt uv sterlizer
12 blue hermit crabs
20 nerite snails
20 turbo snails
10 nassarius snails
4 LETTUCE NUDI BRANCHES (sea slut not a nudi branch)
4 emerald crabs
7 pepermintshrimp
1 blood shrimp
2 brittle star fish
12 cleaner clams
1 six line wrasse
1 bi colorded blenny
1 purple sea whip (which every one should get one
1 red sea fan (every one should have one!)
So i feed mine 3 times a day and give them half sheets every day and never have problems. Im telling you remove carbon rock and use only live rock just turn off pump and clean out every other month max. or you rick building amonia. All my stuff dominates alge! I bought one thing of each to counter a problem to prevent from happeneing. Oh p.s. Nothing and i mean nothing will keep algea off a tank like a lettuce nudibranch sea slut!
its not even staggnating food that builds amonia. ALso i do not run a top on my salt water and i was always at minimal amonia i took off glass top dropped water level an extra inch im always oppm! all natural is the way to go.
I didnt explain my refugium but its off the chain!


Well-Known Member
Lillysdaddy21.......3Xs a day is overfeeding. One thawed cube of frozen mysis shrimp and rinse in RO water once a day. Your fish have more to eat than what you feed them. The UV sterilizer also kills the copepods and good nummy critters your fish like to eat from the rock, if you insist on running so only during the daytime. The refugium should be online to replenish the critters the fish eat from the rock. Hang one seaweed sheet every other day. You keep getting fish to eat the algae but you have algae because you overfeed. The UV strelizer is what is keepinng the hair algae away..not your rocks. Start feeding like you should and you won't need the UV.
C2rn...brine shrimp is like feeding candy all the time, get frozen mysis shrimp instead. Also if you feed algae sheets no algae eater will eat the algae, they are full from the sheet. As long as you have algae don't feed your algae eaters, let them forge for food from the rocks.


New Member
um i dont feed that much a pinch of flackes with maybe 3-4 1mm pelletts 3 times a day, and dude there is only small amounts of flakes of algea left over, no way its over feeding, Ive gotten no bloat, nore any algea I dont have any algea problems not one . Thanks for the information on the uv steril. I didnt know it killed them. It sucks I bought this 4 stage canister filter with it built in, I use the rocks as extra bio filtration far superior to any chemical, carbon rock and amonia removers only take the calcium and iodine out as well so i just prefer to have a butt ton of extra biological and I use a giant pool filter as a bio wheel, ill get a picture of it soon waiting on a new lens still, of corse the one i order would be on back order... I love my life. But hey any more tips? I do check amonia, nitrate, nitrite, and ph every day once in morning once at night before i shut off the lights. I seem to have more problems with my ph then anything its always falling to 8.0 and i have the 8.3 balance but it work for half a day then back down i think i messed up on the sandi made the first 3/4'' crushed shell and coral rock 1 1/4'' of oraganite, and the top 1 inch was this beautiful norwegian white sand that was obvisly a waste cause its always discolors! lol lesson learned ive always had cichlids and cultivates tons of types of underwater ferns,java mosses, pete mosses, ect, just getting into saltwater and its pretty basic and simply just a tid more work then fresh water but waaaaaaaaaayyyy more life, beauty, and pure aqesome!


Well-Known Member
Yes i agree sw is a lot of work....Ive never had a freshwater myself. I can tell u when i 1st set up my 1st tank, i was feeding 3x a day as well but after about 5months u will see the effects of this. I have now cut back my bad habit to 1 time a day and maybe every couple days ill feed flake or nori! The flakes do pollute the water as they disintegrate the sm particles not seen by us!
You should try checking ur water levels mid day if possible. This is the most stable time for the tank! Ph drops as the lights go out at night and in the mornings before turning them on! A good lighting schedule will help stabilize this! Maybe a timer or moonlights would help u out?!?!?!


Doesn't matter if you see no's there....flakes and pellets are like junk food.....You need to feed frozen foods like mysis, marine cuisine, emerald entree
you have 2 fish and a boat load of may wantto thin that out a's a lot for a new 30G.....and the lettuce nudis will starve....they live off of bryopsis and can not survive w/o it
OH..AND THIS thread is 10 years old


New Member
Cool, im just waiting its only been set up 3 months just started adding stuff in, after 3 more months I'll cut down alot, Also, I do have a DYI refugium for waste, I call it "Sh!t Elimanation Station! ill get pictures soon!!!


Originally Posted by lillysdaddy21 http:///forum/thread/12237/how-much-should-i-feed-my-fish#post_3382688
Cool, im just waiting its only been set up 3 months just started adding stuff in, after 3 more months I'll cut down alot, Also, I do have a DYI refugium for waste, I call it "Sh!t Elimanation Station! ill get pictures soon!!!
I'm afraid most of your cuc is going to should get rid of a lot of it now.....the idea is to start SLOW......
12 cleaner a 30G new tank....that is crazy...


Well-Known Member
LOL okaaayyyyy....i just made some fuges as well out of hob filters! Do u have a skimmer? This is a must imo.
I agree w/ meowz the nudis will prob die of starvation some actually surprised all those animals get along! This is a 30 tall correct? Just tryin to get a visual lol pics would be great but start a new thread for cryin out loud!


New Member
ya will start new threat next. Uh seriously I have a masters degree in botany, maybe not marine biology but im no retard, nudies are fine and thriving and at day 13 started getting ruffles! Again once you see my set up you will probably bow in respect and this isnt my tank only a refugium, my tanks are 2 tanks connected by 3inch tubes fishies love it once tank is all rock with some gorgians other tanks is all open yall chillax all in good time young patawon leraners!


WELL...glad you have a masters in botany....apparently you failed spelling and grammar.....
I don't think you should come into a forum and start being condescending and rude to people that are offering you advice.....apparently you know everything already....SO good luck to you and your fish/inverts


Well-Known Member
ya im not gonna lie u come off as an !@#..... I grad highschool so watsup! We dont know wat were seeing w/o pics! Good luck indeed
btw i dont even know wat botany is but i know its not biology!


New Member
dam never once was i rude. ive been smoking all day :) im a happy guy. and who cares abotu spelling its a fourm..... sorry its ur only life. now that was rude! i wont come back again im sorry buh bye!


New Member
P.S. Lol to the dude tlaking crap botany is far more advanced then biology and for your info minor in microbiology tard its the main part of botany, plants are semi biotic with bacterium tard..... way to show yalls education. Got a mod who gets offended by nothing, and a high school graduate now im foreal outie.....